
I would imagine the answer is something like “Well *sniff* I didn’t ackshually fly into the hurricane because I was experiencing simulated flight, not crashing aircraft on purpose like I’m some tweenaged console pleb playing Grand Theft Auto!!! *snort*”

I’m having some difficulty following this situation. Like if I download a Kindle book preview on my iPhone and then decide to purchase it, I would tap on the prompt which opens up the Amazon app, complete my transaction, and Apple is none the wiser to what I just bought. That could happen completely independently of

I apologize for missing that, I’m spread a bit thin between finding things to cover, coding the site, and commenting/moderating myself. Again please, if something is objectively offensive - graphic photos, racial slurs, homophobic slurs, etc let me know in a reply to any comment from my profile: https://disqus.com/by/s

Tom, I need to ask you to chill on the flags. It’s clogging up my moderation queue in Disqus - which is a problem because I keep getting new users pre-moderated and it’s hard to separate the feed with all of the flags - not to mention it kind of dilutes the really toxic shit that I need to keep off the site.

Maybe it’s just me it sure seems like the Xbox of 2020 is a lot less of a three-ring five-alarm clusterfuck the Xbox of circa 2014-2015.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding was that Obsidian had been left for dead and that The Outer Worlds was their semi-low-budget Hail Mary comeback attempt - which scored when MS saw it, liked it, and bought up the studio.

Fuck yes... Loved State of Decay 2

Wonder if the world is still destroyed by nuclear war or if they’re just going to go with a new “continuity” for FarCry 6.

Ari, did you guys get wind of this yet?

“To keep people from absolutely hating their lives they give you booze,” she said, and after two years stopped attending many of the studio’s work mixers. “I didn’t want to get drunk anymore, I wanted to get a promotion.”

That “confidential document” sure looks and reads like it was made by a marketing department and “leaked” on purpose by the studio.

Think it’s pretty self-evident, lol

But now he will know about it, since he’s been banned.

Just wait until Trump finds out Twitch is owned by Amazon.

Looking forward to reading the Executive Order cracking down on anti-conservative bias in video games or whatever this fucking idiot thinks is going to make it look like he still wins somehow.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Fuck yes.

About a month ago I had the LEGO Death Star in my cart at Amazon, available at the MSRP of $500, to be delivered to me that very evening. Was so pumped, but then my girlfriend (who was shopping herself at the same time in our shared account) asked “What the hell is this? You know we have to blah blah blah” and

It is arguable that obtaining consent under false pretenses is a form of assault.

There were more articles about racist/rapey/misogynist assholes’ careers ending or about to end in disgrace (5 if you include the repost from io9) than there were about upcoming new video games being announced (2).

Watched a bit of the game on YouTube.