
Agree here totally. Pre-cooking meat dries it out, kills the flavor, and even ruins the texture.

Nah. Pre-cooked ground beef has already given up whatever renderable fat is has. Not only is that fat useful for keeping your dishes from being dry, it also has a tremendous amount of flavor. You’re tossing that down the drain for the sake of not having to think of defrosting, which a) is not hard to remember and b)

I just divide it up into Ziploc bags, flattened out as much as possible. Flat meat thaws very quickly, or can be thrown straight into the skillet on medium low. As it thaws out, turn the heat back up to medium.

all of them Beth. All of them.

First guy is racist and a fat-shamer. And I feel for him, because it really seems like he doesn’t want to be. But them’s the breaks. If you can say “I don’t want to be with her ... because she’s black”, that’s racism. It doesn’t matter how many extraneous steps you put in between.

And don’t request lemon wedges. They’re usually never rinsed first, and they’re cut in a hurry by wait staff on questionable surfaces.

My theory is that kids eat and like what they see all the time. Serve veggies with every meal and in a wide variety of ways. Serve them as snacks. Let them help with the food prep and picking out veggies at the grocery store. Encourage them to veggies, but don’t make a big thing out of it. And keep serving them over

He thinks he’s Monty fucking Hall (RIP, btw). He thinks a desperate crowd of hurricane survivors are an audience. He thinks he is the benevolent game show host, and that giving out “prizes” will win him the adoration of his loyal viewers. This is actually a horrifying tableau reminiscent of feudal times. The people of

“It will protect those children who science has proven can feel pain, and give them a chance to grow and live full and happy lives,” said House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy in a statement last week.

Alternatively, you could-and just bear with me for a minute while I try something crazy-you could, care about alive children, like all those ones you took CHIP away from.

And your tolerance for the risk might be higher or lower than mine! Who the hell am I to say that a 20% risk of dying is acceptable for you!?

Once again, for emphasis.

“It will protect those children who science has proven can feel pain, and give them a chance to grow and live full and happy lives,”

No, this is to warn people of a scenario where someone could get their home address by way of a Birchbox gift. But way to blame women for receiving gifts!

A Kardashian has more political engagement, empathy and logical thinking skills than our current president. That’s where we are at right now.

I use some of Dr. Seuss’ WWII political cartoons in my US history class—this cartoon comes to mind as an example of the racist stereotypes prevalent in the 1940's that were echoed in his work. However, to my understanding, later in life he regretted these cartoons and attempted to make amends. I think that everyone

Small 6-Year-Old Child: Can I have Cat in the Hat?

I don’t like the Trumps, but wow this librarian is a piece of work.

To synergize the effects, I like to make a cocktail of Tylenol and alcohol. I call it “Cirrhosis”.

It’s true - I’ve tested it. On second thought, I should do further testing.