
Just another reason that the institution of marriage disgusts me. It’s no longer about a couple committing to being a team for life, and making this intention clear to their friends, family and community. It’s about the ring. And the dress. And the perfectly-choreographed ceremony. And the photos. And the careful

Every year we have a practice thanksgiving and every year I make a ginger cranberry sauce because I am morally opposed to canned cranberry sauce and every year I make a bit too much because it’s good. Now I can make a cocktail out of it. This is at once wonderful and terrible news!

Podophobic — if your office doesn’t have a dress code, then you need to mind your own fucking business. I mean, I have plenty of opinions about how people should dress at work. Most of them are stupid and I keep them to myself. They include:

No bare feet

Also, I think it’s totally okay to dress up as people of other races for Halloween if it’s genuine, specific, and doesn’t involve any kind of ethnic caricaturization.

Problem solved.

I highly recommend making real cranberry sauce instead of the weird canned stuff. It involves a 2 dolla bag of cranberries, some sugar and water or OJ. Just throw it together and simmer until it turns into cranberry sauce. You can even do it a couple days before and toss it in the fridge.

Claire, I would like to suggest a new Thanksgiving tradition. If you are going to a home where 1 person is doing all of the cooking for 8 or more people, you should bring them a bottle of booze, six pack, etc. Now don’t get me wrong, I love doing all the cooking every year for usually 15 people, seeing my skills and

Is this where I can show off my daughter who did a mashup this year of her two favorite things: Draco and Corn. Comin at ya: DraCorn Malfoy.


you are doing the work of the gods

I’ve quickly learned (from Captain Awkward: go there right now if you’ve never been, I have grown so much as a person and a “bitch) that having a “script” of responses takes a lot of the pressure off. Next time potential FIL says something racist, look him in the eye, let the silence become just a bit uncomfortable,

Bop-It. I win. The end.

As I’ve gotten older (I’m 33 GROSS), I find that:

Yeah, which is what I think is really cool about it! To me it’s a lot the same as stage magic tricks—it’s “fake,” but it points to some really cool things people are capable of and how our brains work, which to me is way more exciting than “ghosts” or anything like that. This kind of thing always reminds me how

Can we consider it to then be a medium for ones subconscious? From a psychological perspective?

Sesame Street parodies are always the BEST parodies, in part because you know some of them sail right over the head of the little ones watching them.

I hope Trump gets on Twitter and just blasts their weak, sad President!

This guy is an abuser in wait. He’s pushing for an early wedding to start the mind control sooner, before her friends and family can get a chance to get him out of her life.

“And if anyone besides me objects to this union, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.”

Nice try Black Widow that learned to type and blog. “Patrick,” indeed.