
I think you mean "resistance to pain killers". I've been given to understand that this is not a superpower, it's the other thing.

He likes the idea of them. I think it's pretty clear that he doesn't care enough to actually understand them.

I think it might be a myth that the great wall can be seen from space. It's awfully thin. The great barrier reef is a hell of a lot wider.

Also, his admitting to drinking again…but the way he delivers the line makes it sound like he's just saying that because it's the answer she expects. If he's being frequently drugged, sent out to do violence, and waking up with no memories of what happened…well, he is an alcoholic, so the logical conclusion is that

And Amazing Grace, and "The House of the Rising Sun" and most Emily Dickerson poems

See some discussion on the "Moses had horns" iconography here:

In Mass Effect 2, when you go aboard the inert reaper ship to get the IFF, doesn't every think to themselves :

I think that's selection bias. Christians love a good repentance story.

Obi-Wan also told Luke that Vader killed his father. So it's already canon that Jedi lie like rugs.

Like a flock of demonic Mary Poppins's

After Elliot kills "Mike", he's a traumatized mess, self-medicating with drugs and alcohol. I don't think you can say anything about what the character is "really" like in that condition.

You can recycle CAH cards by using them as subjects for Telephone pictionary.

Interesting that that's the ratio. I read somewhere that at a ratio of about 1/3, that's when people, (or at least white males) tend to go "wow, that's a lot of POC/women"

Why were the Others kidnapping people from the tail section, and not the front section? What were they doing with them?

Here's one angle…human civilization began about than 15,000 years ago. By putting the fleet back 150,000 years ago, it basically means that everything they went through was for nothing. They reconciled with the Cylons? Who cares, it had no impact on their society.

Watching them do those commercials during Arrow was painful. They were in a fun summer action flick, they should look excited and pleased with themselves, but they looked like they did NOT want to be there plugging the movie at all.

Cyril gave her some of his 401K money, and she burned it in an alley with gasoline. As a girl, she burned down a gazebo on her parents' property.

I figured that they would get Vandal Savage for good in the finale, and then decide that they would all do Savage's job, and protect the earth from invasion.

I think there's a structural problem with this show, every week, they have to not only fail to catch Savage, but they have to f*ck up the timeline, and then fix it. In Doctor Who, every episode ends with him stopping something awful that otherwise would have unfolded without his intervention. Here, every episode is

But the whole "Boys have adventures, girls are MacGuffins" trope is not cool. Yes, it's the theme of the book, but it's the 21st century. It's been over-used.