
Or, they could downplay the "we need kitten incubators" aspect of the book, in favor of "we need to rescue those poor rabbits from their Orwellian nightmare".

Well, pure science and Gilbert and Sullivan…

I think the voice actor died…

Even though there is an emperor, the political elites are hierarchical and titled, their roles are hereditary and they command their own armies, that's what's medieval.

I think Heretics and Chapterhouse are also interesting because almost all the POV characters are females, and the point of the books is which set of women is going to rule the galaxy. They might fail the reverse Bechel test…there might not be any scenes of men talking to each other about anything other than women.

The thing about "fridging" is the focus on whose feelings are important. When Bobbi was tortured by Ward on SHIELD, the point of the arc was "Wow, that sucks for Bobbi". Fridging would have been if the subsequent episodes didn't show Bobbie recovering, but only talked about how Hunter was affected by what happened

Or the converse…people who are crap at directions don't want to play games that require them to navigate a lot.

There's a very good bow for Rosa there, Ithink the best unless you are extremely lucky at stealing. But yeah, I didn't find it for a few playthroughs. The teleport squre is slightly raised, but hard to see, in a dead end path, if I remember right.

RGB is for light, but for paint, it's red, yellow and blue.

It makes sense if you assume that all the characters LOVE Kirk as much as the writers think we the viewers should love him. Personally, I think that Kirk/Chris Pine need to be punched a lot.

He's not a rodent. Rodents are an order, Rocket's order is carnivore.

The thing about this show, is we have right in the text that Kara had an instant attraction to James, which presumably she never had with Wynn. In that light, thinking you can do something wrong or right to get in or out of the friendzone is futility. If Kara could just stop and think "If Wynn refused to listen to

I think one of the lessons that writers took away from the Flash and Arrow is that it's tiresome to have characters be close to the action and not know. It just makes them look dumb, and the people lying to them on a daily basis cruel. Between all three shows, I think Cat Grant is going to be the only regular who

It's not good for her character to be so unobservant of her friends that she doesn't see what's going on there. If she at least said "Yeah, I see it, I just don't know what to do about it" that would be better. Maybe Cat will tell her "Oh by the way, you know you have that little IT guy wrapped around your finger,

The wikipedia entry confirms my version.

No, you're forgetting how it really went. The glaive alone didn't do the trick. The wedding ceremony that got interrupted at the very start of the movie involved a ceremony where she gives him the power to shoot fire from his hand like a massive flamethrower. They finish the ceremony, ("take the fire from my hand")

That was the plot to a Criminal Minds episode.

MacGregor syndrome is what Nora Fries's disease was eventually labeled. (Seems it was unnamed in B:tAS)

But the shocks were causing harm. They hurt (or seemed to). And the people weren't relaxed, sure that capable people were monitoring things. Lots of people did question, did try to talk the experimenter into stopping things, because they thought something was wrong, but most of them knuckled under and collaborated

Does anyone know of any conclusions that anyone was ever able to draw about what kinds of people would NOT collaborate in these experiments?