
If "Mad Men" has taught me anything accurate, it's that those kids are getting a LOT of secondhand smoke. Maybe that's amping up their metabolism?

Doesn't someone literally say "Nothing stays buried on this island forever" in this episode… and then Nikki and Paolo stay buried forever? Lost in a nutshell.

But it's a shitty sexist trope. Girls don't get to have adventures, they just sit at home being objects of aspiration, lest they be wet blankets, constantly wringing their hands in anxiety if they knew what their beloved was up to. It's old and tiresome. It's the 21st century. Men and women should be partners, what

I almost think that's the point…that Scarlett finds this gentle anemic zero to be the embodiment of Southern gentlemanhood, which she longs for because she is no Southern lady, and she knows it. And then the South gets clobbered, because guys like Ashley can't win wars.

I think the idea of fighting crime by punching muggers is kind of passe. Between guys robbing a bank that has insurance, and the people inside the bank robosigning loan documents…I think the latter are doing a lot more harm, but you can't stop them with batons and fists.

I think he had pneumonia.

The closing credits, with "Flying Dreams".

He's best known for writing the Green Lantern Oath, that's pretty iconic.

I think the problem was that once they made Cordelia a nice person, they had nowhere else to go with her. So they had to twist her into a pretzel.

The almost-rape was to remind viewers that they should NOT be shipping Buffy and Spike, that this was NOT a healthy relationship.

There's a website called wornontv.com. Felicity's clothes are not cheap. Nor should they be, she's an executive assistant to CEOs.

I haven't played DA:I, but it seems to me that since mages are a numerical minority, with a lot of their number sequestered away in circles, their hope has to lie in getting ordinary people to sympathize with them, and blowing up the Chantry really closed that door. Seems to me once violence is in the mix, the only

Was he taking his meds? The few eps I caught gave me the impression that he was not on his meds, that he deliberately didn't take them, because the hallucinations were so darn helpful. Showing a guy on TV who is successfully treating his mental illness…great. But showing a guy who is successful because he's NOT

Yes, and then you go back into the past and get the old one too.

It's not a board game, but Spaceteam is like Space Alert, in that you get to yell out technobabble, it's just deliberately sillier sounding. Space Alert is what you want if you really want to be able to say "Aft shields at Max, Port shields half strength" and "Target lock acquired".

Yup, I second Hanabi…Since communication is so limited, one person can't boss everyone else around.

I think he's a LOT more progressive than he should be. His guide and authority in how modernity works is a black woman, and I think a lot of modern white guys adrift in a brand new world, being told that most of what they know of the world is in fact wrong, would have to work to suppress the urge to look for a white

You can sing it in church! The text is the Lord's Prayer in Swahili.

TOS has a LOT of really bad episodes. Starting with the cream of the crop is probably smarter than just marathoning.

Though that doesn't get around a major problem with it; controlling the houses is one of the only things a player CAN control, but the timing rules about houses are not very clear. For instance, let's say there are three houses left in the supply, and I have no choice but to break down hotels for cash. Do I sell 4