

Is it possible that Pottiger was faking when he expressed surprise at Amanda's relationship with Connor Lang? Maybe all of this has been an elaborate effort to hurt her for that, and not about him being lovesick, the way Doc Yewell thinks? The way Yewell just dumped out that explanation for his plot seemed to be a

Is that true? Yuck. It's weird, because the thing about dragons was that when the dragons mates, their RIDERS would pretty much always mate too. Even if they didn't really want to (yuck). Combine that with the fact that all the dragon pairings were opposite sex, but almost all the female dragons were ridden by

Wasn't it last year where in one game, all three teens pulled a Cliff Clavin, and all zeroed out in FJ?

I thought it was nice that Berlin was being humane…telling Irisa that Tommy had protected her privacy, and that she sympathized with her. It didn't pass the Bechdel test, but it lays the groundwork for them doing so later.

When it cut back to her,. I wondered that too. Blackmail bait was my thought. Setting up your son to cheat on his wife seemed pretty cold for Stahma, but the mayor might do that, and he'd have easier access to suitable humans. She was laying it on pretty thick.

In the beginning, when Nolan describes Irisa as his daughter, someone notes that she doesn't look like a hybrid. And he says "Yeah, I adopted her as a child". So it was dropped in there.

I think the trick is to wait for a snow day, or whatever the equivalent is in your neck of the woods, when no one can go to work. Then you invite people over, and you have a nice long chunk of time to play.

And this differs from most human societies across most cultures…how? Wasn't Datak a lot like what Elliot Rodger wanted to be?

I think he wasn't sure she could carry off the acting required. Doing it the way he did, she was genuinely emotionally shaken. Not for quite the same reason Slade would have thought, once the vial was in her hand, but close enough on candid camera.

I think there was a line from the lawyer that Isabel did some kind of reverse split with the stock, so the Queen's share of it now a tiny fraction of what it's supposed to be. That they needed to I guess liquidate, but Thea wouldn't cooperate.

While theoretically, he's looking for a girl who just wants a no-strings attached good time, in real life, he'd be targeting the girls whose options are really limited, and whose ability to complain should he really mistreat them would be nil. The "sadder but wiser" crowd in real life would really be "vunerable", and

On the other hand, "Madam Librarian" is all about Harold harassing Marian, and we the audience are supposed to think that's cute and normal courtship behavior. And Marian isn't just single, the whole town thinks she slept with the guy who donated all the library books to her. That's what the "Sadder but Wiser" song

Another sign of his smarts…He turned down the role of Christian Grey in an upcoming "50 Shades" movie.

I thought of that too…Without having the reference handy, I think Ramoth was the largest dragon ever, and she was the size of a 747. That's 76 meters.

Did you notice in the shot-up diner, Angie says "feds" were there, but she didn't know which 'acronym'.

I think Ward told Rayna he met Garrett as a teen, and I don't think there was a particular reason for him to lie. Saving him from his abusive family might have been what earned his loyalty.

Yes. That squeal in the soundtrack is Helena's leitmotif.

It IS her husband, and Alison did suspect him, but he cried a lot under glue gun torture, confessed to something unrelated, and when Alison signed the deal with Rachel, she was promised that her monitor would leave, and Ainsly started packing to leave…so she's been thrown off the trail.

I watch Archer for the vocabulary lessons. Now I know the difference between calque and loanword! And that "biannual" and "semi-annual" mean the same thing, while "biennial" means every two years.