
This looks like ... not my thing. However, I want to give a hat tip to casting the twins from Big Little Lies as the younger version of Boy. I remember thinking they were well-cast as the children of Alexander Skarsgård and Nicole Kidman precisely because they looked like mini-Bill Skarsgårds.

I was trying to remember/figure out: 1) how much older than Jamie is Keeley, that he had a poster of her in his childhood bedroom; 2) how long did Jamie and Keeley date, that she’d never met his mum (it’s like a 3 hr drive or train/1 hr flight from London to Manchester, not like goin’ to the fookin’ moon, know what I

Kendall lost because he was shown that he was irrelevant to the deal (“a tribute band” “not a serious person”). Matsson offered enough money that no one in their right mind would side with Kendall and Roman, effectively cutting them out of the deal-making process.

Kendall complaining the rooms were small and that mountains make his sneaks muddy made me hate-laugh at him so hard. What a rube.

Now I have to go research this hotel and bump Norway up a few slots on the travel wish list.

She’s only slightly more maternal than Lady Caroline. I guess she views it like she does marriage: it’s not really something she wants but she’ll be damned if won’t tick off that milestone so she can add it to her CV.

I love how Shiv’s pregnancy reveal poses more questions than it answers (Mostly just answering, “Oh, that’s why the shitty scrunchy and weird outfit for your brother’s wedding!”): She’s not just “Oh shit!” finding out, but nearly 20 weeks in? She doesn’t seem too into it, but she’s following through with the motions

I love “Half a World Away” so much -- terrible omission!

I especially give props to the moments where you see FullCoop surface within SleepwalkingDougieCoop. It was touching at times and made the wait pay off.

The voice actor did a reasonable enough imitation of the kooky accent Bowie was doing in FWWM that I momentarily entertained the thought that he'd been able to do some voice work while wrapping up "Blackstar."

I thought, "Looks like they spent about 253 cents on a honeydew melon for that shot…"

I figure there's a 98% chance we'll only hear about Philip Jeffries or see him in flashback (maybe with some dubbing of new dialog over the phone or cheesy dead-Livia Soprano style), a 1% chance of a "recast" for a "That's not Philip Jeffries that you were talking to!" twist (too disrespectful to Bowie's memory IMO),

"Booth girls" is henceforth the descriptor for the random Roadhouse patrons!

I was so sure that was gonna be the dancing/jumping lodge guy from FWWM! (Could still be—who knows!)

Leland was also drugging her, so she was incapacitated/confused/unaware of what was happening right under her nose.

Considering that Sarah Palmer is still living in the same too-big house, where her niece was murdered and her daughter was raped by her husband-posessed-by-BOB (both while she was drugged) and lives on bloody marys and Salems, I'm surprised that she's holding it together as well as she isn't! (Also hoping her house

That little peak of red curtain, though, made me remember the cross-fade to the Giant, which of course would never be seen by non-Coops like M. Cousin Identique and Broom Guy.

In FWWM there was an unburned-up woodsman (for lack of a better description) hanging out in the black lodge, who I thought could be Mr. Lanterman/aka Mr. Log Lady, who feels to me like he is (or is related to) Burnie McBurnside in The Return.

And then cut to where you know he's going to pass by in the centered door frame. You're trying to concentrate on dialog but also worrying about if something terrifying is going to happen as he passes by.

And the dread I felt watching his slow approach in the hallway—since he was out of focus I couldn't confirm, but was hanging there, just knowing it.

Dougie/Cooper kept seeing specks of light on the forms and was drawing connections between them. That led me to infer that Tony/Tom Sizemore's claims always involve the same detectives (or "detectives"?) pointing out that he's running some sort of false-claims scam. (Possibly involving Patrick Fischler's character?