
Interesting! I might give it a go - I like her writing!

Is it good? I really enjoyed ‘Fangirl’ but not sure about reading the Simon what'shisname canon.

I’m reading the Ngaio Marsh Inspector Alleyn detective novels. I love them!

I am sorry for your loss. Sending thoughts!

I’m sorry, he told you he would punch you in the ovaries? I am so sorry you had to deal with such a complete and utter awful jealous petty moron who thinks saying something like that is acceptable. And I wish Union/hr was an option.

Missed an opportunity to include a pic of Harry here! I think all articles should include pictures of Harry, no matter how irrelevant.

Thanks! That is a lotta mansion. Gee whizz!

Thank you!

A+ for the use of the word cocksman.


Is Enrique Inglesias still married to Anna Kornikova? Was he ever married to her? Did I make that up?

I read it as a young teenager and rereading it recently (15ish years on) made me realise just how much it shaped my ideas about sex and relationships and actually how pleased I am about that.

What do you think is wrong with the sentence structure?

What is he dressed as, please?

Your aunt sounds amazing and my inspiration!

I think people often struggle with how to act or what to say and end up doing/saying nothing. And it is shitty because it is self-absorbed and pretty bad-friendy but it isn’t as bad as deliberately ignoring. Problem is, they both feel the same.

This makes me sad because I have long wanted to fix her and for her just to be happy being her.

I would like to know more about this please!

No you can. But not illicitly (ie with anyone but your spouse) nor excessively (ie more often than for reproductive purposes).

Million stars.