
Is the premise of a “beginner’s guide” that you must not under any circumstances look up these sauces so that you understand what they are, what they’re commonly used in, or any other relevant information? I get that the Takeout is supposed to be fun, light-hearted, and to sell some product for the ad revenue, but

I am 100% behind liberal arts graduates claiming their educational experiences. That said, it might be seemly to lightly qualify the “as a medievalist” when you’re a person with a BA that includes a minor in medieval studies before you start laying out an expert description of the current consensus in medieval

Revenge is a dish best served kind of lukewarm from having been left out all night and then accidentally spilled all over your own lap before you stand up and say “OH SHIT I meant to do that”. 

Paying the bill and the tip at once is the best solution. I usually try to do that: “That’s all set”. But the OP’s question interests me because I’ve long been haunted by exactly this thought in those situations where I’ve had to leave the tip on the table (usually when I don’t have the right denominations of cash to

I cannot wait to not see this, ever.

I’m not generally impressed with Whole Foods, but the goose we got from a southeastern PA Whole Foods this year was genuinely good (and I think local).

Also, the neck is kind of hilarious to work with compared to a turkey neck. The visceral materiality of it is a reminder to any chef that’s forgotten what they’re working with.

This was useful in helping me make decisions with my goose this year, though I went with Lopez-Alt’s gravy in all its elaborate Frenchness. The blanching before seemed really productive.

The only smoke was at the very end with the honey-based glaze, and that was only for a few minutes. I think the smoke would be much

My mother and I had an intense cross-country conversation about this issue this summer as we drove from California to Pennsylvania. She was stunned that anyone would pay on the post-tax; I was stunned by the idea that anyone meticulously calculates from the pre-tax amount. My case was buoyed by the fact that I later

I will be offended if they have somehow found a way to not be offensive to people determined to take offense.

I wonder if annato/achiote seed would be another way to get the red color.

I’m kind of at a loss. You’ve focused on the key song that’s meant to subvert the sentiment ostensibly being voiced. Moreover, it’s the singular thing that every single one of the people singing it learns to rethink by the end of the movie. Moreover, the whole point is that it gives Mulan insight into how men think

I think you’re falling for something here. If Strange ran the numbers and saw that “well, our one chance to win is only if Peter Quill doesn’t mess it up”, I think Strange wouldn’t have hesitated to send Quill to the other side of Titan via a portal.

They were never going to get the Gauntlet off. It only seemed like

I think Kevin confuses things by talking about how cottage cheese could be savory, could be sweet, as if this is a crime.

It’s pretty simple. Cottage cheese has the texture and even a bit of the bile-acidity smell of vomit. If I introduced some of the coloring of your typical upchuck to fresh cottage cheese, I think

I think you are right that Far Cry 5 says something. What it mostly says is, “The writers think that the most clever time of their entire lives was when they were 13-year old boys trying to write a DEEP STORY and they’re going to stick with it”. That’s it. The whole “we’re the same, you and I”, the “what if the bad

I can’t stand that I bought this game after finding Far Cry 3's writing to be the most reprehensibly stupid writing I have ever encountered in a video game, and that’s saying something.

Far Cry 5 is an interesting and involving open-world game that gets repeatedly crapped upon by adolescent, predictable narrative that

Because Far Cry 2 3 and 4 weren’t political at all.

I give up. Just say, “If it disagrees with my politics because I’m a sensitive right-wing snowflake” if that’s what you mean. Everything is not political until it crosses some line that some individual maintains. Or, if you’re paying attention, everything IS

It’s not meant to foster community. The Gawker folks liked it precisely because they were tired of having a community in the older sense.

If you’re writing books that draw from a century of complicated dynastic struggles in Western Europe, bringing incest into the picture is not actually much of a reach. First-cousin consanguinity was pretty common among European nobles in the medieval and early modern period, and there were quite a few avunculate

Always loved reading The AV Club and especially the commenters, who were brilliant.

RIP AV Club. Browsing through the site is now radically different and kind of pointless. Moreover, the duplication of content elsewhere in the Gizmodo Group is really marked—sure, the AV Club writers still have their own take on things,