
I always assumed the plan was:

What about fake answering a call as someone you like approaches, just so you can abruptly fake hang up to show how important you think they are?

I'm probably just missing something, but what exactly does "True, Useful Multitasking" mean? The only advantage the article blurb suggests is that you get tiny screenshots of your open apps. Instead of tiny screenshots, Apple shows icons in its app switcher. When people go on and on about "true multitasking" is that

@bloknayrb: Yeah, I'm not sure how widely applicable this advice is, but there are some cases that are best approached counter-intuitively.

@ChocoRune: hehe, I never understood why the anti-"Apple fanboys" thought a big iPod touch was somehow undesirable. The iPhone/iPod touch was/is one of the most revolutionary devices of recent years, but make it bigger and - oh no! (?)

I ask this occasionally when these running apps are brought up, but I've never really heard an answer:

When Gawker's new format launches, will it allow for videos about iPhone games that can actually be watched on the iPhone? Most other sites have figured it out by now.

@Krackato-ATOMIC COLLIDER!: Actually, for OLED, that depends a lot on what the screen is showing. Whites and light colours can use more power than LCDs. It's also going to use more power if you're always turning the brightness up to compensate for OLED's poor sun-lit performance.

@TeamBlacula: ...I'm not seeing anything about this? Is it sone kind of joke I'm not getting? Jodie Foster is awesome.

@PrairieMoon: I love iTunes for organizing and playing my library. It's useful to have something really barebones in addition, however, when say a friend sends you a handful of songs they're in to at the moment, and you'd like to listen to them before (maybe) adding them to your library.

@dragonfliet: Yep, support for 1080p (and 3D, of course, although I'm still not convinced that's going to take off) this gen has been very poor. How about native output at 120Hz or higher, while you're at it?

@trunkenmath: How is rooting your phone to install a driver different from rooting your iPhone? You only have to stay within the "Walls" if you want to.

@RubiksCube: Any word on music? AirPlay isn't just for video and photos, but that seems to be all people talk about.

Since it just looks for an AirPlay connection, does that mean we can finally push music and video from iTunes to our iDevices over the network? Would be much easier than Airfoil + Airfoil server + VLC...

Other reasons to get rid of the penny:

@El_Mexicutioner: I'm actually surprised how many of these concepts made it into the game, and how intact they were. The article talks about how different it looks, but it's actually remarkably similar. DKCR was a beautiful game.

Isn't there a new Android phone out every couple months? If someone's in the market for an Android phone, would you recommend they never buy one? Since they'll get 'screwed' every two months?

@zmnatz: I know you're joking, but pizza gets such a bad rap. There's nothing inherently unhealthy about bread, cheese, and tomatoes. Like most foods, it's only as unhealthy as you want it to be.

@TRAMS_AM: I was hoping someone would mention Galaxy. Looking at that game, it's clear that Miyamoto still has it.