
Kinda not really. I think the colour strengthens the concept. Without it, a new character presentation like this would simply look like a blob.

Pro Character Design Tip: If your character silhouettes are distinguished and recognizable, you're doing it right.

This is the face of every attendant throughout my history of Roller Coaster Tycoon.

In our hearts, and now apparently on Kickstarter, we're all Jason C. Schreier. I'm going to fun all the projects!

Whenever my brother would play FF9 I'd ask him to call me in to the room to watch the cutscenes because I didn't have the patience at the time to play. I feel proud for beating it in visual form.

You do realize that this is primarily a gaming website, yes?

Banana for scale.

The word you're looking for is 'fragmentation'.

Luigi, still unable to find her Galactic spot.

What were they thinking? Net balls are only effective on bug types.


"Alright, boys. Fertilize him."

More importantly, snagging those Daily Doubles offers him a massive statistical advantage. Since Daily Doubles allow players to bet up to their entire bankrolls, just one can swing an entire Jeopardy match—and Chu's strategy is to control them all, even just to prevent other players from using them.

By training—that is, going through Internet message boards and reading up on past Jeopardy winners—Chu developed an unorthodox strategy that has made headlines over the last week. It's rare, controversial, and effective—and it's turned him into something of a grand villain for some fans of the long-running quiz show.

damnit, this was instantly the first thing that came to mind when I read 'bank' and 'available now'.

Damco you, Namcai!

Thankfully this green blob doesn't distract you from the massive ice castle in the background.

I know that the 3DS is advertised sitting like this, but when you flip the lid to play everyone sees your premium handheld upside down.