LOL I do feel like a fancy prick when I play as my wizard!
LOL I do feel like a fancy prick when I play as my wizard!
[Insert real computers-only joke here]
This was apparently a publicity stunt—make that, a somewhat depressing one. The point of the event, it seems, was to promote environmentalism as well as tourism to the mountain region.
I never thought I'd say this, but I'm appalled by the lack of Pokemon I can find in Japan!
And yet, I still can't play due to the online-only requirement and my crappy internet connection at home...
Wow, if you search it up online, you get similar results just 11 months ago. I almost would have been led to believe that story was current had I not checked the date.
I like to pre-order games at EB/GameStop cause they usually have extra perks available that you might not typically get with an online pre-order—take Pokemon XY for example, they handed out posters). I do the majority of my shopping online, but I still like to talk to people from time to time.
I gave mine away after a symphony band rehearsal. People think I joke about like it's an American Pie reference, but my reed doesn't wet itself ;)
A very level-headed commentary, Mr. Sakurai. To summarize, Sakurai noted that the PS4 was overall a very well put-together piece of hardware. "I sincerely hope that many creative masterpieces are born from hardware like this." I wonder what sort of game Sakurai might make for it, given the opportunity. After his arms…
I left my game installed. I took a break after Nightmare before going in to Hell because I need a better internet connection to play. Nightmare was a literal nightmare because of the spotty always-online bullshit that was put in place. I'm moving to a new neighbourhood soon, so maybe I'll revisit the game then. North America getting Evangelion creatures before month's end?
Wow! Happy Birthday, indeed!
What did you take away from Twitch Plays Pokémon?
Marvel: Iron Man