
Damnit, I was just thinking about this yesterday trying to highlight in my textbook on the train!

Don't worry, girls will think it's attractive.

This is the face of every attendant throughout my history of Roller Coaster Tycoon.

How about a Michael Bay Star Wars?

After a bit of reading I see that a lot of it was due in part to the in-app advertising. I never downloaded the game, but it sounded like this was a case of in-app purchasing as it is with Candy Crush.

He was pulling in 50k a day? How much do people pay daily to play these phone games? Suddenly I feel justified dropping $50 on 3DS game on a whim.

That sounds like an interesting idea to preserve history and integrate it in the living world, though I can't help but think about all the trapped garbage bags stuck in unreachable areas.

I always wondered what the modern day equivalent of the Pharisees would be like.

In our hearts, and now apparently on Kickstarter, we're all Jason C. Schreier. I'm going to fun all the projects!

Maybe Gizmodo secretly wanted us to visit the XKCD website to discover that, thereby sending them traffic their way.

Whenever my brother would play FF9 I'd ask him to call me in to the room to watch the cutscenes because I didn't have the patience at the time to play. I feel proud for beating it in visual form.

You do realize that this is primarily a gaming website, yes?

This looks like a level straight out of Mario Party.

Banana for scale.

LOL that's awesome! But seriously, you'd probably still get the same accuracy with a kaleidoscope mounted on that little guy.

The word you're looking for is 'fragmentation'.

Luigi, still unable to find her Galactic spot.


Ever since I ported to Android, I've been more keen on reading the app permissions. Some permissions don't make sense like reading text messages, taking photos, or full network access when the apps are simple in nature, so I've given up on installing games and odd utility apps on my phone.