can i get marisa tomei to explain it to me?
can i get marisa tomei to explain it to me?
If we’re going to balk every time we have the opportunity to make any changes because we might lose political control, what do we need political control for? We obviously aren’t doing anything with it.
So we should lie about it when women abuse men because it might make another woman not accuse her abuser? This logic infantilizes women. You don’t need the dreaded, ‘Patriarchy’ on your side to manipulate someone emotionally. You don’t need to be a man to beat or use a weapon on your partner. You’re disrespecting…
lol, nobody loves to bash women more than the formerly feminist blog turned clickbait gossip rag. A basic search turns up 147 articles on Amber still painting her as the victim.
Automotive? Edsel. Vehicular in general? Segway. Before anyone knew what “IT” was, it was being hailed as literally the single greatest achievement by man. People thought it could be anything, including teleportation. We got this....
I think Goop is a ridiculous company that peddles ridiculous wares to ridiculous people. That being said, if this was meant as a joke, it shows a level of self awareness about what they’re doing that I didn’t realize they had.
I mean I hate license plates and love the fourth amendment as much as anyone but I’m not sure your car has a right to privacy on public roads...I guess you’re saying that you have the right to not be identified as the owner of the car via the license plate but that’s not any more of a privacy violation than being…
What right to privacy are you talking about? The only one in America is about medical privacy, and the undoing of that one is about to start.
Next generation? Come on. This is the US we’re talking about. When it comes to the powers that be, the only thinking beyond next quarter’s numbers is the next election cycle. The ‘next generation’ doesn’t own shares and can’t vote yet.
The point was not and should not ever be whether or not anyone’s jokes were funny. That non-point shouldn’t even be part of the conversation. The point is grown adults should not hit each other to air their grievances. Not on television, not off television, not fucking anywhere. Children often hit each other because…
This is a garbage take.
But sharing naked videos of someone without their consent is objectively bad
even a ranger... if i can get a truck that gets north of 3 miles/kwh likely in.
If it’s an electric Maverick, Dearborn can have my money right now.
He is who he is: a snitch, a sexual predator, and a god-awful driver.
Man, when I said last week cdwag14 was going to go on a shooting spree I really nailed it!
As much as I often complain about the tactics of the rich in avoiding and at times outright evading taxes with impunity I am completely with the boat owner here.
The salaries are vastly different, and for a reason. The WNBA simply does not bring in the same level of revenue as the NBA. It is an apples and oranges arguement. The WNBA exists because it is fully subsidized by the NBA. Should that cease, the WNBA would fold in less than a week.
Because nobody watches the WNBA. Because it absolutely sucks.
I mean, it’s not like Miami is a hotbed of international money laundering or anything, given how far away it is from the Cayman Islands, Bahamas, and unfriendly South American regimes without extradition treaties.