
Do you REALLY think he cares about what TIME says?

Should I start saving my pee?

Oh yea, and hey turd.... Notice the RACING TAB below the Jalopnik moniker?  That’s for you, idiot.  Indulge your F1 delights cause nobody here cares.

Maybe one of the issues here is that people say things like, “obviously wasn’t paying attention”, when clearly, CLEARLY.... This was actually one of the few instances where someone in a tesla FSD crash video IS PAYING ATTENTION. If he wasn’t how do you explain the near instant reaction to the car veering into oncoming

I’m very happy for you David, but wouldn’t YOU even rather see Michigan do something a little more productive with a 3 BILLION DOLLAR SURPLUS?! WTF?!

Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart.  

You accept me? That’s rich. You seem to be in love with me.

OMG give this motherfucker a glass of water, then kindly ask him to take his terrible fucking acting somewhere where nobody will ever see it or him again, preferably a cell for this wildly stupid scheme that obviously blew up in his face. Did he not recognize the voice of his ‘personal trainer’? THis is the dumbest

yea no, that’s not me, you’re hilariously off by a wide margin with your assessment and prediction of me. Your weak trolling has brought the world laughter today. Bye little man.

haha, you’re really bringing the enjoyment to my day you funny little guy.  I picture you as the real life embodiment of the red face angry emoji!  Good work, pal.

The mob spoke.  Now go eat a dick you little bitch ass troll.  You’re the one who’s undies are in a bunch.  Rent free.

What makes you so concerned with me, if I may ask? Did I offend you by suggesting KR is a slimy little fuckwad on top of being an ignorant, white-supremacist, murderer with an apparent affinity for band-aids and gauze?

This pube barely even shaves. 


One would think, even ASU, bastion of higher fucking education that it is, would likely still require a high school diploma as part of the application process, no?  How the fuck has this piece of shit managed to graduate high school in the pandemic, while fighting to stay out of prison for life even though he’s guilty

How fast did she go on the Bahn?  

Oh he put a statement out on facebook.  Like.   Is that supposed to carry some sort of weight or something?  Literally anyone can do it.

Just don’t stand on the bodies.  You gotta give a buffer around each stone so you don’t stand over someone.  I assume you’re running on the nicely paved, curvy roads which, coincidently, provide a PERFECT PLACE TO TEACH DRIVING ALSO!  How about those ethics?  Can’t kill anyone there learning to drive besides yourself!

No worries, disagreements can be solved at the ballot box you dumb motherfuckers!! Duh! GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!  IS this shit rigged or isn’t?  I’m getting whiplash from the ever changing narrative of hot bullshit.

Those wheels are ugly as sin.