
Have they sold a single one of these monstrosities yet?  Are they only reservations?  I mean.  Nobody is spending well over 100k on this to overland.  No, they’re going to show off the crab walk to parallel park it once or twice, and that’s about it.  I don’t think the 100k electric hummer crowd is really into

Certainly guys.  Don’t listen to your dick.  When you see that thing you desire and think is fuckable, and it does it’s thing.  YOU MUST RESIST. Your job is to find the least fuckable things possible, then train your dick to be interested in IT.  TFOH. 

These fucking clowns are just trying to cover their own asses because they know they didn’t do shit for their own kids, like their fucking loser fathers never did shit with them either.

You done screwed up when you have Mayweather publicly taking your side on anything.  

I’d like to know what kind of mental illness this man now has as the result of listening to the theme park equivalent of ‘wonder world, circa Beverly Hills Cop3' playing on constant loop in his head for all eternity.

What is it that all these MAGA chuds, conservative-republican ghouls/TRAITORS, call people that say stuff like this?? I can’t remember.

Careful! With reasoning and sound logic on full display like this, the MAGA chuds and FREEDOM cryers will be all over your socialist, police-state monitoring, LICENSING ideas, and will have you in the internets gulag before they all piss their pants.

It’s about you and him being selfish, self-aggrandizing, assholes without a fucking clue.  Eat shit.

Sorry this might be obvious to others, but this was mailed to every household in America, right?  Like, if you have an address and paid taxes on something, you got the thing in the mail?

Restore your Honor.

One of the best parts of getting older is giving this reply to you telling me what I am supposed to do.     I can just be like.  NO.  and really not GAF about your opinion.

It’s too bad she didn’t REALLY embarrass herself with a loud blasting noise. Who are we kidding. She is a loud, blasting noise.

So he is white.  Got it.  This was assumed when he was described as ‘rolling coal’.

lol how wrong you are, un-childed one.

That’s the most corporate, ugly EV truck I’ve ever seen. 

The Life Aquatic. Fantastic Mr. Fox. Rushmore. Top 3.

Crippling?  Cmon dude.

Been practicing 80/20 mindset for the last 6 weeks or so and I’m starting to see my heart rate drop along with, incidentally, times.

Time to get that Rx checked, your eyes ain’t working, brah.

Anything and everything having to do with Tennessee revolves around a sad story.  Tennessee is a Sad Story.