
Travel times have increased in spite of more access to more roads, bigger roads, AND alternate forms of transportation being widely available for people at ANY price-point, be it a manual razor scooter, to electric scooters or bikes, bikes, trains, planes, boats and cars.  Still can’t get to Chicago from my house in

$850,000 seems like a slightly alleged high price point for a dog attack that occurred four years ago and yet wasn’t important enough to file a lawsuit over until now, but I am not one to judge an injured person suing a millionaire for any reason—especially considering the potential severity of a pit bull attack.”



WAY TO USE THIS GIRLS DEATH TO GET CLICKS, MOLLY. I’ll eat my words when you start publishing missing person reports on the regular, about people of all races and genders and religions going missing, AND issue breathless updates on each.

I’m trying to imagine how bad she looks WITHOUT the crazy amount of botox.  At 30.....  I mean, she looks like the Joker.  It’s gotta be pretty bad.  Obviously incredibly ugly on the inside where it TRULY matters, but damn.... 

GTFOH with that trash. Michael Johnson blew away records not that long ago, and you’re arguing steroids and PED’s were at peak effectiveness over 40 years ago? Jesus that is not a sound argument.

Maybe we should kill two birds with one stone, and kick Texas from the Union and replace them with Puerto Rico, AND save a few bucks on a 51 star flag re-design that would be doomed to fail.

“Do you think I would lie about being invited to the White House?”

Why wouldn’t Lars, who professes to care for Zoe so much, just tell her and her parents that?”

I have a couple alternate theories for why the divorce rate is spiking.”

amazing that anecdotal garbage from social media and celebrities has replaced common sense and scientific inquiry.  

Taking all the other nonsense in your statement aside and simply focusing on the “PIT maneuver is effective and necessary and shouldn’t be abandoned yada yada...”

The Chuds that will own these makes me want to vomit.

The internet exists for pieces like this, and I’m glad you pointed it out!  Keep this type of stuff coming!  The internet doesn’t need to be pure shit!

I played all of 3 seasons of football, 8th grade, freshman and sophomore.

Wasn’t no Bo Jackson, dude.  Cam is a joke.  

I’m sorry. Being both THIRSTY as fuck and SELFISH as hell does not equal a gift. It’s called narcissism and well. Stupidity. You played yourself playa, right out of the NFL. Nobody’s gonna call you.

List the accepted, and high standard writers you are aware of. You might not be a very avid reader if you don’t know what you’re reading here. David is a heady, knowledgeable gear-head and enthusiast. He writes interesting passion pieces and well, it’s not like he’s got an ego about anything, like you’ve clearly shown

Don’t spread false history, guy. You cannot be anti-vax if vaccines literally do not exist yet. Yes. GW learned about the concepts around innoculation, itself in very early stages, and once he noticed how it could be helpful in keeping his armies healthy, yes, he required his new troops to be infected with smallpox