Tell’em, grandpa!
Tell’em, grandpa!
PLOT TWIST! People are too small!
...kind of out of it out there. (Brands) said ‘Throw me.’
My coworker and friend is from Switzerland originally and has always loved America and Mustangs. He’s now been here something like 8-10 years and has been a citizen for 4 years. He went and bought a Mustang last year and I happened to spot the paperwork for his financing. I wish he would’ve taken me with him when he…
You forgot to add “5) In Florida”. That clears pretty much everything up.
its quite exciting, you’ll go to the rally area and try to get to three or four different stages in a day, you might drive as much as 100km in total as you move between locations. While you’re driving, you’ll frequently overtake WRC cars, as they have to use the public roads between stages and must not speed.
The team’s reaction is pretty priceless, too:
That was superb description!
Yes. You don’t see the cars as often, but there’s something special about being there in person. Sitting in the forest on the edge of a dirt road, waiting, buzzing with impatient anticipation, ears straining. Then you hear it, the whine of the engine and the explosive pop of the anti-lag bouncing off the trees,…
I think you should re-read. He replaced/rebuilt virtually every system for the long term. He used better parts. Things partially worn or known trouble spots were addressed. It was a system reboot. A better initial purchase would have all those same systems in different states of decline. Addressing those issues as…
You’ve discovered the Bizarro Subie, stripped of all that makes it good.
I can think of better ways to tear apart an old Legacy.
Exactly. There are about 1.2 billion of these things in Seattle & Portland.
RWD. needed a AWD dyno to dyno otherwise car would go into Limp Mode.
Reasons to not move to Texas:
Don't forget that in Wisconsin people from Illinois are referred to as "fibs" (fucking Illinois bastards). Chicago fibs are generally agreed to be the worst of all the fibs.