swan ronson

quick question. What (not so) great philosopher once said:

Compelling argument

Godzilla in the 2014 reboot had more screen time than he did in the original Godzilla, Godzilla Raids Again, King Kong Vs. Godzilla, or Destroy all Monsters.

I must be missing the "he's so impactful" threads. I see mostly "he's funny, he's right and I agree with him".

So by that metric, shouldn't we be ignoring your comments?

There was nothing execrable about Deep Star Six. OK, maybe a bit, but mostly good old b-movie fun. And crazy Lloyd Braun bit in half.

I haven't seen the movie in a while, but doesn't the Thing cause the chopper to crash only after they decide to turn around and go back to the base? I think at that point it knows the secret is out, and doesn't want to get cornered on the chopper.

Do people still use "LOL" non-ironically? I'm just asking, I just got back from vacation and may have missed something.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure they hate Ben Carson too.

Don't know that this changes much, and I'm sure someone will come up with other examples, but as I remember it, Michael Myers getting up and walking away after being shot 5 or 6 times at the end of Halloween was genuinely shocking for it's time. It was the first slasher movie I remembered seeing where they added that

Of course the motorcycle death is at the hands of the teens. He died by his own hands trying to escape. You could argue the deck was stacked against him, but that's just picking nits.

Respectfully, those don't really seem to be holes, since they can be easily answered by:

Drove an hour to Rockford to watch The Call open for The Psychedelic Furs. Left after about 3 songs from the Furs. Didn't hate them, but we were really only there to see the criminally underrated Call.

Mr. Dad thought it might be a good idea if I were to make sweet, sweet love to myself. He put it more succinctly than that.

I figured there would be some of that involved, I just don't seem to be flexible enough.

The physics involved, I suppose.

Here, or in the suburbs?

Well, based on this exchange, I declare myself the winner of this internet fight.


Wrong answer. It doesn't matter if the cop knows he was 12 (actually it totally does, but not for the point I'm presently making). I'm talking to YOU. All your chin stroking pomposity about how the kid was at fault because he was too stupid to make all the correct moves in the 3 second he had to save his own life.