ACK! Wow - so happy you made it through that OK! I also live in the middle of nowhere with a similar neighbor situation (everyone is 10 acres apart) and typically never have the doors locked and now I want to go lock them! :/
ACK! Wow - so happy you made it through that OK! I also live in the middle of nowhere with a similar neighbor situation (everyone is 10 acres apart) and typically never have the doors locked and now I want to go lock them! :/
You are a warrior! Thank goodness you had presence of mind!
I look forward to this every October! So here’s my contribution...
You were a kick-ass kid!
My mother told me last night that I need to tell you a “sweet” ghost story to counter the one above. I don’t think it’s particularly malevolent, but, hey ho. She’s the spiritual one in my family and she thinks I should cleanse the air. So, I’m going to tell you all a wee tale that her mother told her, many many years…
I have a treasure trove of weird stories. I’m “that friend” for ghost problems, bad ju-ju in your house, all that stuff. I did college ghost hunting (which went well in hand with being a reinactor — you get a good sense for the historical and the legendary, and you learn what stuff could be plausible in old houses as…
The summer before moving away to college my best friend and I decided to take fun day trips around the state to spend time together, as we would be attending different universities. We’d been hiking at different state parks for most of the day and decided to stop at one last place for a quick hike. This park is well…
My sister and her husband are foster parents to two little girls, and have two biological children of their own. They are hoping to adopt the girls but needed a bigger house for that to be a possibility. They started searching and found a giant house that used to be owned by a group of priests in the area. They housed…
This story is 100% true... to the point that I have written about it twice and been published in my local newspaper. There are credible witnesses to whom I have personally spoken and from what I hear, even recorded evidence on a cell phone.
I’m a little late, but I wanted to share some stories my dad told me about his experiences with djinn in India. I’m pretty sure every Muslim kid loves a good djinn story and I’m no exception, but hope you all enjoy it too.
Growing up my family moved a lot. All within the same town. My parents had their own business building custom homes and for our family they would build a nice house and we would live in it until it sold. By the time I was 18 I had moved 30 times, mostly in the same town. Just from house to house. I mention this because…
This happened when I was around 13 or 14. My dad had recently passed away, so it was just me, my mom, and my 5-years-younger brother. After my dad died, my mom became really adamant about always keeping the doors locked all the time, even though we lived in a safe, quiet neighborhood in a safe, quiet Alaskan town. I…
My Uncle Billy was the black sheep of the family. He was my mother’s older brother, who joined the military in the early 1990s and saw combat in the first Gulf War, but he didn’t come entirely back. My mom said he suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and something called gulf war syndrome. My father said he…
When In New Orleans
I had to make a burner for this so it’ll prob stay in the greys.
I’m older now, even though 43 isn’t *that* old, and whatever sharp memories I have of things like this have been dulled by time and life and the million other little things that carve away from memories that you never really thought you believed in anyway. So here are my assorted memories of paranormal experiences…
I post every year cause I’ve lived quite the haunted life. Last year I posted about phantom smells and wanted to do an update on that, briefly.
I must confess up front this is not particularly scary - but it is definitely ghostly. It just involves my father - the sweetest man ever - so how scary is that?! Lol. I grew up in the country on a farm with horses. Since we were so remote, and the driveway to my childhood home so long, my parents had installed a…
Motive Unclear