
You're obviously here to spread misinformation and sow dissension, you neocon cretin!

So this is "countouring" yes?

Not to be a dick, but isn't this kinda true of pretty much anything a woman writes about other than that which the moronanity (I made that up, like it?) decrees fit topics for the "fairer sex"? I mean honestly the same could be said of a woman writing about politics, cars, sports, IT, banking, war, death, the economy,

This list has to be bogus because I heard like last week from Seth Rogan that he would totally have sex with James Franco, but that James Franco doesn't have sex.

Benny did ScarJo in an elevator.

THIS! A thousand times, THIS!

714, baby. Popularized in northeastern Ohio around that time by a bar band called Wild Horses in a ditty called Carbona Mona, "She likes the B-52s and the 714s."

I'm 44. I did a shit-ton of Quaaludes. They were the single greatest drug ever invented. Sex on ludes was like sex with the single hottest, most amazingly talented sexual dynamo you've ever imagined.

Asstastic. On so many levels.

Since I'm a man we're still good for experimentation sex, right? No? But...I thought... *sob*

Old school. From a guy who knew about philandering.

No! As an angry white guy I take full responsibility! You treacherous wemmins have taken everything else from me! EVERYDAMNTHING! I'm left with...TV! I will NOT give that up. In the immortal words of our patron saint, Al Bundy: "No ,Ma'am!" Yer goddamn right we created "True Detective". Not only that we're gonna

All I take away from this is that Erin's and my (Erin and I's, mine and Erin's, oh fuckit) inevitable sex tape will have us doing it to Folk Uke while shooting undies at each other. And...I'm ok with that.

Nope. Wildly turned on by it.

I don't know who this Tim Marchman person is or how he managed to obtain enough damaging information on you people that you would allow him to publish this abomination, but know this: there will be a goddamn reckoning!

Note to self: read ALL of the headline. *grumbling and wandering off*

I got the living shit beat outta me as a kid. My older brothers? They were beat even worse than me. One ODd and another shot himself. My whole family is fucked up beyond most recognition. But outwardly? The goddamn Cleavers!

I have been to the tabloid future and I bring back the headline:

This makes me happier and sadder than a lot of what I read on Jezebel. Thanks, Tracy, for sharing this.