
I took a date to a Sacramento Kings game sometime in the mid/late 90s. The Kings were down to the Rockets by 40 at the beginning of the fourth quarter and she wanted to leave. I looked at her funny, not understanding, and then decided to just go. We did not go out again.

I doubt his small business has a company spokesperson.

To be honest, i have no interest in seeing any of these biopics, or really any other musician biopic. Give me a good documentary instead.

As a Kings and Oakland Raiders fan, I almost gave up sports altogehter after that game, which followed the Tuck Rule game.

Well, his facebook post is from February, a week after his interview.

I feel like people are missing the point of this story.

“[rarely] work until midnight”

Yes, overrated, in that it was a hit. I’m not sure how many people that have listened to entire record would say it’s the best song on there, though.

And there is this:


Shouldn’t Chance Sisco be playing lacrosse?

Or at least not go out at night if you are black.

This is the piece that gets published now and then that reminds me why I like Deadspin.

Also winning in WI, my friend Sarah Harless:

Is “medi” the plural of “media”?

Hey worthless piece of shit cop: the “manner in which he acted” was assault. Maybe you should look into it rather than telling people to call Kroger.

Thankfully, Jesse Hughes is not in QOTSA. He’s in the Eagles of Death Metal, which started as a Homme side-project.

Well, it changes to 10 pounds in the second frame...

But this was ice dancing. Save your technical ability arguments for the non-ice dancing one.

At this point, it’s almost like those 7-8 years of beautiful to watch basketball never happened. It feels now like it did being a Kings fan in 80s/90s. Just completely hopeless with no recovery in sight.