It’s an irony that the people most likely to distrust big Pharma for being part of a multi-billion dollar industry are the ones most likely to trust sellers of herbal supplements, who are part of a multi-billion dollar industry with no controls on it.
·Most of us need at least 50 grams of protein a day, and significantly more if we’re working out a lot or trying to…
You might be missing out on some immune-system superpowers that are yours for the asking at your local pharmacy.…
Running more miles this week than last week can put you at risk of injury—but how much is too much? The standard…
When it comes to cardio, high-intensity interval training gives you the biggest bang for your buck: a short…
It’s a common charge against food ingredients (and some other substances, like pesticides): this chemical is…
Medication is the quickest fix for insomnia, and it’s popular—about 4% of Americans take sleeping pills. But a form…
Running on trails works your foot and leg muscles in a way road running doesn’t, but it’s possible to mimic some of…
Add cramp prevention to the list of hydration myths: if your muscles seize up while you’re exercising, it’s not…
Clinical trials are the basis of doctors’ understanding of whether a drug is safe and effective. But the trials that…
Lotions and other skin care products often boast that they are “clinically tested” or “dermatologist tested.” These…
A lemon sugar scrub for your skin sounds so natural and refreshing, but this photogenic DIY standard may do more…
Everyone from Chipotle to the Food Babe rails against genetically modified ingredients, and laws to label GMO foods…
The best temperature for a run is a cool, overcast 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Sound too cold? Maybe at first—but once…
Exercise: Good for your health. Pollution: Bad for your health. If you live in a smoggy city, balancing those…
It’s easy to fall into the trap of talking about “the gene for” a disease. But the truth is that a lot of diseases…
So you misjudged that curry and now your mouth is on fire—what to do? You probably know that milk will stop the…