

The poon has to be accounted for but my gut would tell me USC has to be way up there

Dam. Puff pastry is the best. It makes everything taste better but I can only imagine the Wellington. It’s on the list.

Touch those toes bitch! Momma’s home!

Some of those are spot on.

I wish trump would get in a Twitter war with him by starting with “yo Vincente eat a bag of dicks”

Right on. Undersized from the get-go and was told he never make it in the pros

Lmao. I’ll gonna peg ur little bitch hole!

I watched some of the accidental anal while they were filming porn. Typically a Tyanne missionary wheeling away and out one hole and on the down thrust OOPs!


Yea. We need an update on this. He must have really fucked up on his defense but it seems crazy excessive.

So I was reading the JR article in the referred me back to this one..

Or lie. Find one and have someone take a pic of you with it.

Jesus. I can’t even imagine the look on my face would be if my kid came to me asking for $38,000 for car repairs.

Yea. Wtf is up with that. .?

I guess you could rent a Ferrari from one of those companies for a few hours which could give you some short term “joy”. Then you could say you’ve driven a Ferrari.

Holy fucking shit. I did look at that pictures and it is unbelievable. It looks like they must’ve put acid in that coffee from the look of the injuries

Goddam this is a great country

That shit rocks

Whhaaaaaa waaa waaaaaaa. Fucking whiners.