
Fuck that asshole

Fuckin Xtra spicy and crunchy. W biscuits and red beans and rice.

Color tv. Big ass 36 inch Sony Trinitron Weighed 3900 lbs Bought beautiful oak entertainment center with a deep opening

You and her need to do what’s best. Fuck everyone else with a 4x4

Douchbagness Maximis

Fuck Bill Cosby.

See : Lawrence Phillips

When I lived in New Orleans it was the best. Buy any type of booze just about anywhere and at any time.

Dodging all the Kia’s on 695 would be impossible


Can’t blame them for acting like animals


I have last pass and am petrified my login pw will be hacked. It’s ironic how within the site it will generate random pw’s but the login one we use is the most way to hack I would think

Cobb county commissioners need a corn cob up their asses

Classic. I see the next tina fey

Wtf is surprised by this.?.

Man. If only it could help to prove why they suck so bad....

Time to sue the floor maker,water fountain company and school.

That's fuggin hysterical.

Should be “coffee and lithium”