
@tetracycloide: Worst of the bunch. Wonder if the artist got voted off.

Looks like the 'dipped in urine' secret is out.

Must be cheering their victory over Viacom.

@capnrob: I can see your point. #1 worked (just) but the rest didn't for me.

@SAThorn: Yeah better to keep it secret you know.

Went last year and it was fun, but not sure I'll do it again. BTW, do go around the comics floor and buy someone's comic or art. You'll make their day.

Yeap Swamp Thing is Moore's best. But I'm biased. ;)

@dawfydd2001: Yeah. More than twice the cost of the books.

Boy I can't wait for the analysis of the film's subtext... if any.

Where's the gameplay where he beats up the lesbians?

Looks like the Resident Evil series cross bred with The Matrix.

@alek2407: 'Cause the rest of the world really wanted Bush out, plain and simple.

@thekeith82: Written by Dan Abnett too. So that definitely makes it a must see.

@some1else2: There's apps for the iPhone (Hipstamatic, for example) and Android that do that kinda thing. Saves on film and development costs.

Well they pay companies that just do trailers a cool million dollars for those 2.5 minutes, so they better make them good.

@Andrew M: No he's the little bits sprinkled all over the beach.

Won't that gyroscopic thingamajig be a great boon for some kinda networked sex?

@RainyDayInterns: Yeap; Mr Guttenfelder has covered conflicts in too many countries to count, and you can do a google search to find some of his pics. They're quite amazing, but I really like the iPhone pics too.