
this was the dumbest movie I have ever endured.

for what its worth, the review was up minutes after the episode aired. I'd imagine it was already written, having watched the entirety of S4 prior.

i find it increasingly difficult to sit through each episode of S4. The series really is only 3 seasons long, with a glorified epilogue these last 4 episodes.

^ 2 people haven't seen CB4

but there, again, why does LaDonna have to be some champion? She's now become as fragile and messed up as the rest of us. Most times there won't be a valid rationale behind the behaviors.

this was an interesting episode.
No serious ground covered. The Feds have officially arrived, but it was inevitable since S2 and is poetic juxtaposed with the current NOPD Consent Decree wranglings.

i don't believe he wants or ever intended it to go on much longer….

dem tittays were amazing in CB4

Can't wait for the Zombie CSI Meth Kingpin Vampire series you are writing for an ADD audience. Should be gripping

excellent counter point

so glad the season is back.