CJ Bristow

With the whiff of a filler set piece, this subplot had all of Richmond’s players remembering that the best way to spend a curfew-free night in Amsterdam is to not go see tulips, not eat Dutch food, not attend a private party, and definitely not bear witness to a sex show and instead to have a pillow fight(?).

Is the AV Club a news site? An educational site? No. It’s an entertainment site and lots of people find this interesting or at least it’s worth a good laugh. Why did you take time to read and comment on something you don’t think has any value? Why not just move on and read something else if this wasn’t of interest to

Newsworthy? No. But the AV Club isn’t primarily a “new source.” Interesting? I think so, and so do the others clicking on the article to read it. You obviously think it’s worth your time to come on here to comment about it at least. Who are you to decide what’s interesting? I think the AV Club editors know better than

And yet here they - and you - are, every single time. The AVC thanks you for your clicks on their clickbait.

You’re not even asking the right questions here: how can we be sure these “men on twitter” are actually men and not neo-feminist activists pretending to be men online in a false flag operation meant to forward their anti-man cause by making men look stupid?

I’m learning that men don’t like women defending themselves from sexual harassment and also don’t like articles making fun of the men who don’t like women defending themselves from sexual harassment because god forbid something isn’t about them for once.

I’m learning there is always going to be someone like you in the comments.

I hate that jackasses have once again hijacked a conversation around a film that could have used improvement, but not for the reason of the main character being a woman. It’s because the movie needed some work. It’s mid-tier Marvel. I wish we could have a real conversation about it’s real flaws without these jackasses

That comes about as the pivotal conflict in the D.C./Marvel crossover Danvers v. Batson.

In their defense, it did have a girl in it!

Imagine the rich and complex inner lives of the kind of people who are still raging about a solid B+ superhero movie 4 months later.

Don't worry I'm sure, if she met you, Brie Larson would think you were a totally cool nice guy with a sick fedora and would absolutely  blow you.

Cheer up, Zack. You’ll hit that mark one day.

For those keeping score, of the seven films to cross the billion mark, this and Black Panther are the only ones that didn’t have the help of the MCU’s most bankable character Iron Man. It’s also the ONLY one so far whose main hero was making their first appearance with no previous success to build from. So what’s that

Hey don’t blame me! I did my best to support the boycott. I only saw the movie twice. That counts, right? As long as I kept muttering “girls are yucky” while I watched?

The poster should be Shuri shoving T’Challa out of frame.

They should make Shuri the lead.

Obviously! I know for a fact that some fake news NPC Soros shill made this up because the boys and I were chatting about it over on youtube and we all agreed that this movie’s (((producers))) were in over their heads thanks to their man hating race-baiter of a “star”!