
I fell asleep during the first ep of The Sopranos, and never tried again.

Counter-counterpoint: Misfits of Science was the lowest form of sitcom, period.

*Peeks in* Well? Doomsday started yet? Fireworks? Rains of locusts? Everybody still here?

The Quirk got eaten up by Disqus. I'm his evil twin.

I put out a LOT more information here than I probably should, and I hope I didn't creep anyone out. Y'all helped a poor country boy learn a thing or two, like accepting my little kinks and native freakishness. Love to all who are leaving ( I'm gonna try and stick this Kinja thang), and watch out for flying chairs.

As someone from the other side of the coin (I was the one faced with the bills), I gotta say — rip the band-aid off. It's obvious you can't be "just friends" with a manipulator, and she's not going to learn to pay the bills with your assistance. Send her a polite communication telling her how you fell, and cut her

Ed Brubaker did a pretty damn good solo Joker book awhile back, maybe that's the inspiration?

Gawd, I'm gonna miss you people after tomorrow.

I choose Lizard. Lizard poisons Spock.

Waitaminnit, wait a minute— Wasn't Trump PRIVATE schooled?

The late June Foray, of course!

Not flouncing off just yet. Too much invested here.

One of you old-timers refresh my memory— what was here BEFORE Disqus? I remember a lot of doomsaying and complaints about disqus as well.

Daddy, I'm lost— could you read me the Ebuzz story one more time?

Hmmm. . . Does Univision have a stake in Kinja?

Seriously, I'll be here, at least until the comment-comet comes crashing through. The other sites I've tried just don't feel the same. Here's to seeing if the Wednesday Reasonable Discussions destroys your puny website first thing.


I've never wanted to listen to Bannon, but I kinda want to hear what kind of spew he directs at his former pupil Trump.

We can't burn them. But we CAN make it socially unacceptable — I thought it already was, but apparently it's not. We can get Nazi fuckers shitcanned from jobs and colleges, Nazi speakers not admitted for speaking engagements and stop being polite to them.

I've already read them from the library, but I'd love to own them if I ever get the money (or a job).