
". . . they can summon Boom Tubes. . ."
Ah, so we're BOTH right. Thank you.

Double post

I'm good, if unemployed. Got an interview next Tuesday. O, and my father wants me to move down to Florida to live with him and his wife. Eeek.

The Celestials.

Mother Box isn't for transportation, that Boom Tubes you're thinking of. Mother Boxes are more like iPhones and iPads, but much much more.

Mister Miracle #1 was sold out at one of my local comic shops ):< But I DID manage to pick up the number 1's of Space Ghost and MAGE!!!!! Can't believe nobody's talking about the new Matt Wagner series, haven't seen anything of his in ten years, OMG.

My hobby is creating 3D computer renders of women. It is a hell on Earth trying to explain that to people. Especially since most of my examples are semi-pornographic.

Hey thanks, just took a look over there and registered Just In Case. Think of it as a bomb-shelter when the Big One hits this place.

Was your dad from this country?

I spend all my spare time (and I have LOTS of it) mooning over online women with muscles.

Wasn't there a Pretty Pony Princess in there somewhere?

[eyes shift nervously back and forth] Just kidding, of course. Yeah. Right.

Yeah, but he seems really horrible in his divorce from Ellen Barkin.

I'm sure his father being a KKK member had no effect on his . . . hesitancy to denounce the Nazis/KKK. At all.

I shared a bus this morning with a man holding forth that Obama was a Kenyan Muslim and I bit my lip so hard to keep from yelling at him that I drew blood.

Oh man, I just picked up the first issue of SPACE GHOST today; if they could do a show like THAT. . . .

Time to dig up Charlie Rocket.

And he did well by his son Rob, a woke Boomer.

Read somewhere he's dissolving his Business Council before they all quit on him.

Going through old film-noir flicks on Netflix disc (Night & the City, Angel Face, Where the Sidewalk Ends) I was wondering if anybody had recommendations?