
My dad's bloodhound Hubie had to be fed a special food for a couple years because of his digestive problems and not absorbing nutrition. Dad never complained once.

Just finished Gilbert Hernandez' Luba In America (I missed some of the comics when they came out). Starting on Zachary Mason's Void Star.

Yeah, I'm gonna really miss all y'all. I've tried over at the Tolerability Index Forum, and it's just not the same. I feel like we should be doing some kind of doomsday countdown until Kinja.

My step-mother's mother is in nursing care, Alzheimer's plus psychosis (paranoia, etc.) and my father tells me the doctor's are giving her 1-4 months to live. Doesn't everybody always get six months to a year? Stepmother's a wreck, and she and my dad are stuck in Florida in the summer, and my dad HATES humidity. So

Argument: Wiley's true character is never revealed until he was given a voice in his matches with Bugs. "Wile E. Coyote— SUPERGENIUS!" truly reveals what an asshole the Coyote really is.

O yeah, man. Bugs is a type: the smooth, fast-talking con man. Daffy is an original: the wacky, neurotic, incompetently-evil weasel.


I SWEAR, I've seen that Little Red Riding Hood girl before— like in a Wally Wood comic. (Of course, that would technically be later. . .)

I'm currently reading letters-to-the-editor of my local fishwrap demanding that the press condemn the "socialist alt-left" and that "both sides were to blame" and "Obama was worse". Then again, this area went strongly for Trump in the election, so maybe I should just move?

I'm beginning to think this man is dissembling.

Buttery Males.

Aren't they still in the middle of a recession?

It's an intimidation tactic, make the website invest in lawyers, and even if/when the courts say No F'in Way, the sadministration got what it wants.

Yeah, they won't even let you say "n*ger" "f*ggot" anymore, and they didn't defend that guy from Google!

How could they be older than 17?


First ep I didn't like— flat-out villain Rick just doesn't appeal to me.

Let's drink until we can't feel feelings anymore!

The Kardashians never harmed me; Trump is a Clear and Present Threat.

Don't you know? Our White House has decided that if the alt-wrong does it, it's not terrorism. Hell, Gorka will probably call this shit a "False Flag".