
If I recall, most of those thousands were slaves.

I'll give it a try for a week or so, see who else stays. If EVERYBODY leaves, of course, I'll have no choice but to go full-time to Wonkette.com, even though too much exposure to political news makes me crazy.

You got an address for the TIF?

Sympathies. I keep all my cats inside.

The Mustache of Understanding, getting his news from the local cabdriver!

Was "fortunate" in that my cat Ninja just keeled over one morning.

First I lost Combative Women.com. Then I lost the Superdickery message boards. Now all I've got is this and Wonkette.com. And the political news is probably giving me an ulcer.

Still unemployed. Got an interview coming up, not much hope for it.

Got PAID for a 3D computer render commission! Really needed the money, too.

God help me, I'm listening to Weebl's stuff on YouTube.

MUCH less rapey, too.


I'm getting spikey poops lately, really hard and sharp. What the Brits call Bitey Shitey.


I actually picked up a used copy of WWE 2K17 for $10. The gameplay is impossible, but really enjoying creation modes.

And they walk funny, too.

*Raises hand*
Consistently read The Onion at the late, lamented Borders Bookstore every week. Then I found it online, then I found the AV Club.com, and only after that did I find the comments as. . . The Quirk.

Reality Is Not What It Seems by Carlo Rovelli. After reading Neal DeGrasse Tyson last week, I thought I'd head further into popular science explanations. Now: Quantum Gravity.

You never heard of Photoshop?