
Today, for the first time, I have tried Limburger. Definitely an acquired taste.


Gaaahh! Witchcraft! Latin words!

Better than me, I thought it was a drinking fountain.

But has this been corroborated by "the mustache of understanding" Thomas Friedman and/or his taxi driver?

Without the rape-jokes.

And an actual dead body. Preferably a pee hooker.

Sigh. Let's take this step by step. You have the right to an opinion. You even have the right to broadcast that opinion. You do NOT have the right to complain when other people point out your opinion is stupid, uninformed and snotty.

Wasn't crazy about the first ep's "Dracula good, Church bad" theme, but if the bloodletting starts soon, I might come back.

Is that where Nightwing came from?

Same reason the Human Torch couldn't appear in the 80's Fantastic Four cartoon.

Irving "Forbush-Man" Forbush could take him with one hand.

Dumb question time (Only started watching the series on Netflix) — does Booster appear in DC Legends of Tomorrow?

What they NEED to do is bring back (?) (or put out for the first time) a Booster/Blue Beetle book.

You left out one delicious tidbit— Mordru's magic turns Batman and Superman into the Composite Superman — a rarely seen Silver Age villain used here as a very sly in-joke.

Uh, did I miss something? I've read nothing but "daughter" all along.

Yay! Hope the family gets some therapy.

This is why (besides travel costs) I only attend local cons.

Sith have more fun.

My father remarried about 7 months after mom died; she helped pick out his wife.