
Hey, thanks!

To my limited knowledge, 8 seasons in is when the salaries start to look like phone numbers. Wouldn't bet on this getting an eighth season.

Can't we get Bill Maher in on this?

Which brings up the Nature-vs-Nurture question: Was he born this evil-looking, or did his crimes and upbringing produce that nightmare visage? Do we, in fact, get the face we deserve?

Well, he'll release them when Trump releases his tax returns.

Can we order him to stop that hideous, goblin-like grin? It makes me physically ill.

Learned what I thought was Spanish in college, then moved to Pennsylvania and found I was speaking Mexican. I'm not one of those gringo pendejos who tries to inflict my version of people's language on them, but I'm starting to learn a little Puerto Rican.

Y'know, these Yakisoba noodle things are pretty good when you're broke.

There's no discerning sarcasm anymore, unfortunately. It's like when you tell a guy ''Nice haircut," and he says "Screw you, what's wrong with it?"

D.G. Davies is probably the only Trumpster I could tolerate at a bar.

As someone without a job, I'd be spending all day on political websites and giving myself an ulcer.

Watched a couple episodes of Netflix's The Standups — pretty good— and a netflix disc of Samurai Jack season 4 PT 2— the one with The Tale of X-9 on it— and a dvd I found collecting the ORIGINAL George of the Jungle cartoons.

Not so much pen-pals (I'm a lousy IRL correspondent) but I do have an old friend of my parents that I write to whenever something happens. As I've grown older, his advice seems less and less cynical — he'd be about 70 now.

And the cake is made from spinach.

Waiting— It's been a week since my last interview, and the person who interviewed me and is deciding whether to give me a job is on vacation until NEXT week. Meanwhile, I'm staying home all day so I don't spend money, waiting until enough time has passed so I can ask my dad for yet another check. Spent the Fourth

These things cost money! I'm sleeping on mattress that's at LEAST 20 yrs old, simply because I can't afford $1000 for a new one.

I thought Sinclair was the oil company represented by a big, green dinosaur.

Yup, then it's the grave for me. Eggnog sucks.

Hey, I'm miserable at 53, can't imagine what it'll be like when I'm 90.

"Splitting" doesn't imply "dying". However, it does make for fewer genetic mixing, and thus no positive mutations = no evolution = no us. Sex mixes up the genetic code — somebody stop me if I'm fucking up here — and allows more mutations = evolution.