
Music-wise, due to callow youth and living in Oklahoma, I didn't even hear about Ziggy Stardust/David Bowie until his comeback in the eighties. Can you imagine what the effect on a struggling-with-his-sexuality kid in a redneck town would have been like?

Can't believe I didn't say this first thing: SPEED RACER. I foolishly listened to the reviews, and missed it in the theater. Saw it on TV, and it was EXACTLY like I've imagined a drug trip would be.

Happy birthday to me! Just turned 53, which means I don't dive deep into games anymore. And I'm unemployed, which kinda affects the game budget. But I'm looking hard at Tekken 7, and after Clayton Purdom's review, I'm thinking about Islands: Non-Places as well; looks like an undemanding time-waster.

The NIGHT BEFORE I was to see 6th Sense in a theater, Nathan Lane on Letterman ruined the twist. I was pist.

Just saw Dr. Strange on Netflix streaming, and dammit I should have caught the theater 3D experience.

Dumb question about remakes— is this a thing like the Fantastic Four movies, where the studio has to remake them every so often or lose the rights?


NOOOOOOOO! "Bride of Frankenstein" I could live with, but NOT THIS!

Yeah, I can see this.

Not from a pop-culture website, that's for damn sure.

*Swampgas senses tingling*

Hey, Jimmy Neutron started as a movie, too.

Sore thumbs?

It's not the heat, it's the stupidity.

Or a Republican voter.

I'm guessing he doesn't see his real dad (we're assuming) that much.

Rights include responsibilities. The ol' "fire in a crowded theater" cliche. Will we consider Kathy partly responsible if/when somebody finally knocks off the President, Gawd forbid?

Never so bad it can't get worse. Gawd help us all.

The hell ever happened to Marsha Warfield?

Is he the guy who used to work with Yarnell?