
Marvel's shtick has always been "Everytime two super-powered individuals meet, there's a fight. ANY individuals." DC always had their heroes in a big Boy's Club where everybody knew and respected everybody else.

Supes keeps becoming a dictator for one simple reason: the unbelievable, fantasy part of Supes was never the power, but that even with immense power he's still a Nice Guy, the Big Blue Boy Scout. The superhero Power Fantasy has always been that "if *I* had those powers, I'd take ass and kick names, boy howdy."

Then they might as well include the MAD magazine musical parody. (Meh, the JAWS parody was better.)

Not wanting to spend all day on this, could someone just tell me what's the late Redd Foxx's deal in the header image? I assume it was a joke for his (too-brief) variety show, but what?

Latest I heard, Sean's taking a "vacation". Is he going to the same place Bill O'Reilly went?

Well YOU can just rock me back to sleep tonight, feller!

What caught my interest in the header image was those "Meatball Parmesan Bow Ties". If that's an actual snack food, I want to know more about it!

"No, I'd hit him with my fist! HAHAHAHAAA!"

Nooooope, nope nope, not clicking on that little ratdick.

I didn't date at all during high school.

Nuthin' here, either. Suckage.

My favorite Italian joint, only casual place in town that served gnocci, went under. Replaced by a shit sub joint.

And stay away from spicy food after 6P.

I had to go to a Sleep Center to get tested for apnea and shit. They wire you up like a techno-mummy, stick a breathalyzer or some damned thing up your nose, then expect you to sleep normally. Worst night's sleep EVER, and then today I get a call that they didn't get enough information and need to do it AGAIN!

Jimmy Johns is like a lower-rent Subway. Blech.

I, for one, sit still and wait. I've got enough media stimulation going on, I can't really handle any more. YES, I'd like to see Twin Peaks, Legion and whatever else is out there, but I don't really NEED to. I can barely keep up with Netflix.

Praise be the Google— it was Danny Williams, from my home state of Oklahoma—"Williams was known for his on-air phrases and sayings, including “watch out for flying chairs!” which he coined after being struck by one during a broadcast for “Live Wrestling,” a professional wrestling program."

Old enough to remember Gordon Solie, from Georgia Championship Wrestling. And who was the announcer (when I was a weee little kid) who always closed with, "Watch out for flying chairs!"?

I sure as sheeeit needed to see this after that Manchester story. Thanks.