
The stroke was never taken seriously, just as an excuse for Sophia to be an asshole.

Hell, I've been watching it on the Hallmark channel. THAT channel I get, for some reason.

If you wanted to defend this administration, you'd take meth too.

"They're gristle to your mill!"

Like maybe he's not such a secure personality, why not?

For History, try Larry Gonnick's Cartoon History of the Universe. At least three MAJOR collected editions, plus "Cartoon History of the Modern World" which brings us up to today, mostly focused on America.

Still meaning to get back to Titanfall2. These days it takes a really GREAT game to overcome my apathy.

Costello's quieted down a LOT in his late albums, and I absolutely can't listen to Burt Bacharach, but I still groove on the dude.

Yeah, when Mom died, I was at least grateful that I got to spend so much time with her in Hospice, and miserable that by that time she was practically a skeleton on morphine.

Judging solely by the press and internet reaction, this is The Big One, maybe the one that finally takes Cheetolini down. Of course, we all said that about the pussy-grabbing comments, then the Muslim Ban, then the reaction to the Muslim Ban, then. . . .

Stepped on a rainbow at least ten years ago. Still missed.

Mom's dead.

Made hamburger helper with fake meat Griller Crumbles. Pretty good, actually. For microwave food.

Got another cgi rendering commission! Now that I'm unemployed, these are REALLY vital. Yes, it's "big-boobed woman fighting disturbingly child-like, flat-chested woman," but I can't really afford to be choosy right now. $150!

My crapass cable package doesn't include WGN, for some damned reason, so American Dad is out, except for what I see on Adult Swim. For the record, I like it. Same with Archer and FX.
Bob's Burgers seems to be getting shriller lately, or maybe that's just Louise.
Simpsons is DEAD. I don't watch reanimated corpses for

They already issued subpoenas, they'll have to at least appear to finish it.

Republicans only turned on Nixon when the country got so disgusted their political survival was at stake. Give it time, let them take the temperature of the country. In other words, WRITE, EMAIL AND PHONE THEM.

I think they're trying out "Media Over-reaction" so far.

I think they're trying out "Media Over-reaction" so far.

I'll bet they're soooo pissed that the Comey firing happened AFTER they finished taping.