
To you. . . . it looks like a Chuckle brother.

Hell Yeah! Was giggling like an idiot from the opening.

That's a bit much. Everyone KNOWS they were Illuminati.

Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman?

I thought that folded some time in the 80's-90's.

I've gotta watch the end of Mr. Arkadin tonight.

Better cartoons than the Beatles, that's for sure.

Uh, what's wrong with Geller?

However, if they re-boot the Drew Carey show, I'm all in.

Most of his work's been in TV , what movies has he made?

My first thought too.

If we're allowed to discuss other movies here—
TRIED to watch Confidential Report on Mr. Arkadin this week from netflix, but the damned thing refused to play after Chap 19.

IIRC, Bernardo Bertalucci hated the Disney dwarfs too, but that was because Disney gave them individual personalities, and Bernardo thought they should look more like penises.

Usually it's a store-bought baloney or sweet baloney and cheese on some kind of unidentifiable roll — I never liked lunch at my old job — but when I get my final paycheck I'm gonna splurge on a roast beef and cheese on rye.

I'm already Patreon-ing a couple artists on DeviantArt.

My first guy. End of high school.He was following me downtown, I wheeled around and said defensively, "Are you gay?"
He just smiled kinda stonedly and said, "Yeah." So we made our way to the underside of a bridge across a ravine, and we were getting pretty hot and heavy when somebody yelled, "Hey F@GG0T$!" Well,

And still unemployed after four days. I've sent off resumes, answered emails, cleaned up my computer desktop(amazing how many pics I had, all in different folders!), made a lot of 3D cgi, resisted the urge to spend money, played Titanfall 2, and taken many, many naps. I'm trying like hell not to fall into the trap of

Waaay behind the herd here, but I traded in some stuff for Titanfall 2, and currently enjoying the campaign; and when that's played through, there's always Tekken 7.

Hell, I've been eating the stuff raw=== and yes, yes, I know that'll give me trichinosis or some damned thing. They're just so soft and good.

She wants to be in a relationship with Dude no. 2, but Dude no. 2 is already swinging, so she can't leave Dude no. 1 and be in a relationship. If she were asking for a quick fuck, that might be different.