
Judy Gold.

Fortune Feimster.

It barely sweetens the coffee.

Also a GPS and a guide dog.

Better— the Trump U Lawsuit-Settler said Bill-O "should never have settled."

Was there a video game thread earlier?

EVERYTHING edible in Bavaria is just a big hotdog. Anything they can slap into a pig-skin, they will.

Lebanon baloney is better.

Actually ate an Arby's gyro, more out of curiosity than hunger. Pretty good, surprisingly.

I've been mildly curious about having a manicure/pedicure, but I'm reluctant to show my toenails to a professional. They throw you out if they find a fungus infection, don't they?

I HATE that dream, mostly because I feel so stupid when I wake up and feel the urge to rush across town to school.

If you pee in your dreams, you wet the bed. So I've heard.

Still waiting for Flynn to flip on his former bosses.

I had to drop BBC off my youtube account, because youtube messages me every time it updates, and BBC updates something like 443 times a day.

Stopped feeling lonely since I stopped going out to the bar.

And in good news, Lenscrafters finally finished my glasses. Weird period of adjustment now— the frames come down a little lower down on my nose than before — but after wearing fucking pince nez for two weeks, anything is a relief.

Jeans at work are no problem. The problem is that we have to wear uniform shirts and we're only allowed to own three of them. This means in summer sweaty-time I have to do laundry every three days.

He's moved heavily into the "Silly Voices" phase of his career.

"Then finger her I shall!"

How to get Level 9 Access Without a Password: jump into the brain of the guy with level 9 access, then casually ask, "what's the password again?"