
Is Rick more of an asshole lately, or is he just trying to present himself as an asshole so Morty won''t sentimentalize him when he leaves, like Mort's mom did.

I always assumed that was a clause in some contract somewhere.

Worse— I work at a store that incidentally sells books. Guess what, we sell O'Lielly AND Michael fuckin' Savage. I've been told I have to stop gagging every time one comes across my counter.

Wait— Foster's Home had a finale?

Remember when these guys understood that at least half their audience was teen/adult stoners?

Haven't felt lonely since I stopped going to the gay bar and walking home alone.

Pro-style women wrestling, catfighting or bodybuilding.

How is babby made?

Your partner flaked on you? An unreliable pot-head? Whoever heard of such a thing? LOL

I swore I wasn't gonna do it until payday, but I went ahead and bought the Boxing Arena scene from DAZ for cgi rendering. I really shouldn't have, but the prospect of a women's boxing scene in heavy intensity and volumetric lighting was too much to resist.


Thank Gawd for no drama.

Nothing to be nervous about. Concentrate on breathing. Make the analyst nervous.

My own AIDS story— had sex with a beautiful queen, a real pillar of the local (Utah) community. Couple days later, a friend mentions him, and says, "It's really amazing how well he's dealing with being Positive." Choke, dropped fork, major panic reaction. Everything was safe, and it motivated me to get tested, but

Here's my problem with Ass Effect—I'm only on the first mission, and dying at least every five minutes. And there's NO SAVING DURING THE MISSION!

Next time, try dressing as Dr. Doom.

Them pompadoos of love will getcha every time.

What's really a shame is that these aren't re-run at any time— I'm usually asleep Sat at 11p.

Hell, I haven't even got around to Mass Effect Andromeda yet!

"Aw c'mon! Roger had me in the make-up chair at four o'clock this morning!"