
No mention of the hysterically comic side of Patrick Stewart?

"If'n thars one thang I hates more than rabbits—- It's TWO rabbits!"

Of course, by the time some poor sod's read all that, the child's already under the wheels.

I find it hideously wrong to say that "Language is getting worse." Do we have to go back to Samuel Johnson to reach the "Real" language, or Chaucer?

Don't knock laziness— it kept America from spellings like colour. If it wasn't for the dictionary,Neighbor and Weigh would have fallen by the roadside long ago too.

Could be worth $$ on a desert world.

My only problem with the dying was that I still felt we hadn't been fully introduced to these characters. Forest Whitaker's character, for instance— he's a good guy, apparently, but he looks more like a Sith; what up with that? I suppose for the full story I have to read the novels that will inevitably come out.

It's Trump and the Russians, obviously.

I had nightmares about Wrightson's freak Un-Men. RIP.

Let's all hope he doesn't get dug up by some mad scientist.

Never underestimate the ability of people to add two + two and come up with seventeen.

George Clinton's Atomic Dog. Mostly because it's the ONLY album I've made love to.

What's your problem with Harrison?

Saw the new Jim Norton show on Netflix— hardest I've laughed all year.

Think I'm falling in love with one of my CGI creations. Real actual with-another-person SEX, on the other hand, has become totally uninteresting to me.

Yeah, but suppose they manage to talk to space aliens?

Hey, they still had All In the Family!

You're lucky, my PBS only shows Downsyndrome Abbey and (ugh!) My Hero.

Hell yes, the Cleveland show never got the satirical love it was due.

But will this leave Patton enough time for MST3K?