
Slenderman awaits.

Disappointed. I liked the premise.

He didn't GIVE his life; they put him in a position where his life was TAKEN.

My bad, people. Between a zillion vids of lady wrestling and Mock the Week reruns, I'm like some kind of evil sponge.

I can't wait til the statues/high-end action figures come out!

I'm betting on Willie Nelson, myself.

Well DAAMN. Three on the same day. At least he won't hear anymore "Bill Pullman" jokes.


Why the Trumpists are making with the "Professional Paid Protesters" bullshit; I expect an article in the National Enquirer any week about some made-up name "confessing" that he was personally paid by George Soros.

Point: Issa, on the other hand, is the only Republican asking for an investigative committee into the Trump/Russia connection. Not a fan, but stopped clocks, etc.

H. Sapiens Sapiens will go on. USA, maybe not so much.

O Christ, it's another Troll Invasion.

Did Milty ever do movies?

If this were about a black teenager we'd be talking about slavery and the auction block. What's going to protect these kids from being financially fucked over?

Why not just go all the way and invent a virtual Idoru?

Very, very very OLD and not particularly (in their old age) funny white men, I think is the point.

Tim Allen's real name was Dick. I'm not crazy about him either.

All due to writers who hated his guts.

Actually netflixed that, because, with all the brilliant stars (Jonathan Winters! Jimmy Durante!), it HAD to be good, right? Wrong.