
Don't get that on the rug, it's hell to clean up.

What "hair's breath"? He "stormed out" last week. They're DOOOOOOOMED.

Abe Vigoda, Fyvush Fynkel. . .

Uh, Vision's a dude.

I'd settle for them not writing "GET OVER IT, LIBERALS! in the Letters to the Editor page.

Wish the idiots out here who voted for him realized this. What does it take to expose him?

Sorry to hear about your loss.

Watching AB-FAB The Movie and maybe switching back and forth for the Superbowl commercials.

There's gotta be a point where the whole thing breaks down.

"President Deadbeat Daddy, who only shows up once or twice a year and always seems to think it's your birthday but he's never right."

Sheeeeeeeeee-it. This is younger than me.

Throat-Warbler Mangrove?

I recall the original Finnegans Wake involved whiskey. This seems like the ideal ingredient for shakes.

I'm still working on "copyrighted" vs "copiedwrite".


Sold at CVS and Rite Aid everywhere!

I only drank Yuengling because I'm in PA and the regular bars fucking force it on you. Now I drink at hipster bars and have more options.


I'm thinking of a key scene in Deliverance.

I might add that there was LOADS of "Trump-voters are stoopid" memes and sentiment all over the cultural landscape before the election. Trump was a punchline. Still won, sort of.