
I admit, Anti-Trump statements have overtaken the site, and I come here mostly to forget about Cheeto-Benito for awhile. BUT, that's a little like asking people in 1938 to ignore Hitler. I'm not necessarily saying Trump is Hitler, I'm just saying he's as big an object on the landscape.

Ghost In The Shell: Isn't a cyborg ALREADY a human/machine hybrid?

I learned a long time ago to only follow WRITERS and occasionally artists in comics. The characters themselves wind up changed around every six months to a year.

You know damn well they'll turn her back in time for the movie.

Actually, I'm enjoying FQ a lot more than Flintstones. Except for that one issue where Bedrock community started protesting monogamy.

Throw Shade The Changing Girl into that pile.

YES YES YES! People today have two options— Wait for the TPB, which kills off-the-rack sales, or spend $5 per month over a year's time to buy the comic. Both suck.

JEEZIS, I'm glad I missed that!

EXACTLY! At least when DC disliked George W, they did something interesting: "Hey, what if Lex Luthor was President?" LOTS better than Nazi Captain America. One line in that page above struck me: "You call yourselves 'Heroes' while mostly fighting among yourselves."
Marvel has historically been interested in

"Hey, maybe we should check them out before announcing them right before the election?"

You don't have to be Captain America to punch a Nazi.

TRYING to stay away from FB and Twitstain. Twit is great for a look at what's happening ground-level, but paranoid about anything up higher. And I include our Twit-In-Chief in that.

Because the Don has business interests in those countries. The whole thing stinks from top to bottom.

I don't know— Drac, Frankenstein's Monster and the Wolfman shared a philosophy, and they were at least physically threatening. This sounds like crap.

Goodbye Caligula. Goodbye, Quentin Crisp.

As someone with this fetish, maybe I can add new insight (probably not). I like seeing strong, violently capable women. One of the ways women can demonstrate their strength and physical abilities is fighting. QED, I like fighting women.

Reality Check: I have never seen a real catfight that wasn't either broken up immediately or suddenly three or four of one girl's friends jumped in and totally beat down the other girl.

Yeah, now I'm picturing her molesting a URL.

Didn't she try to do something in the 90's, with John Astin and Katey Sagal?

Valerie Harper has been hanging on by a thread for something like five years now.