
Trying to remember when Truman desegregated the army, and too lazy to google it.

There were probably MORE black cowboys than white, simply because "cowboy" was considered at the time to be a shit-job.

I actually took the trouble of looking at your comment history — You're an immature jackass.

I can never understand why bookstores put Greg Guttfeld's books under "humor".

Ooo, THAT'S what those are. I always thought they were mints.

I would be happier with the analogy if Police Unions were actually interested in rooting out the bad apples, rather than protecting them.

Unfortunately, in America's 2nd Amendment Rush (and that's a whole nother rant), cops ARE justified in thinking that anybody may be armed. Given the past couple years' experience, they're also justified in thinking whatever they do behind a badge is OK with the head office. This is compounded by racism and total lack

Former pro wrestler Isis the Amazon— Gee, wonder why she doesn't go by that anymore?— Lindsay Kay Howard. 6'9", muscles, can probably act somewhat, what more do you need?

No, actually that was Dom deLuise.

But the R's have played the Refs so skillfully, that no one dares for fear of being accused of Media Bias.

You think you're joking, but I'm reading letters to the editor saying that "God does not call the Perfect Candidate", and coming thi i i i s close to saying, "GAWD is a Republican, and thou shalt vote R, period."

Saw the preview in some comic book, and really looking forward to it.

Yeah, but now we're talking MAGIC. With a real Devil and spirits and everything.

You sound like you're living my life. Just don't get to the point where you're calling in sick every other week due to depression. Fun Fact: Employers HATE that.

It's been a Netflix weekend— Margaret Cho's PsyCHO, lots of Iliza Schlessinger, Jim Gaffigan on dvd. Played the demo for Dragonquest Builder, and put my money on it the very next day! Might not have the cachet of WWE17 or whatever, but less likely to disappoint.

I seem to recall "Distraction" was the big enemy of hiring an openly gay player not too long ago.

2016 isn't looking any better.

So it seems this arc is going to be Marvel admitting there's a "Mystical" angle to the universe— what with Ghost Rider and passing mention in this episode of the Darkhold (Marvel's Necronomicon). This ties in with the release of Dr Strange in November. Of course, it also throws the whole universe ass-over-teakettle.

Has Galifianakis EVER made a decent, enjoyable movie?

I stopped watching this shit two years ago.