
If this starts a trend at the gay clubs, I'm stayin' home.


In America, it'll probably help.

I think the word is twee.

Five bucks says CPOS blurts something out after cryingsex.

They're putting brown sugar on the bacon clubs now.

Premise not supported by current psychiatric theory.

I dunno, I had Genesis, and I worry that I missed something world-changing in Super-Nintendo.

Beef is not supposed to be purple.

After seeing the Conan bit, I'm relieved. I thought Patton would really never be funny again, he'd either do a Tig Notaro and try to break the audience's heart, or he'd (gaah) try to do "1001 Uses for a Dead Wife". Both would have been torture. But the little guy's gonna be alright.

Boooooy, does this suck.

Family Guy writing. That's not a compliment.

And the shit-year 2016 continues.

Anytime is a good breakfast time!

Devour makes a pretty good mini-pizza, but their sausage ravioli is better.

No love for Zoidberg?

They imply that because "Icky child beauty pageant" = "sexual molestation" in middle America's mind.

Slightly OT— did Congresscritter Gary Condit sue anybody for saying he killed that woman, whatshername?

I thought—based on the parade of tabloid shit I'm exposed to daily— that they'd nailed somebody else for this.

Thank GAWD my dad doesn't buy me music for Christmas anymore.