
"Usher— Michael Jackson is not a musical genre."

He's got GREAT PR and management— they got him on the Today show, didn't they?

Another example of something like this— a group of drag queens I knew (RIP Rosie) did their club act on a local TV show. They, too, were not very good. BUT because they did it on a local daytime crapfest, they were not internationally shamed/bullied/criticized. I, myself, pour my soul into my art, available at Devia

At last, somebody with my problem— no orgasm due to anti-depressants. One solution— stop looking at orgasms as the sole reason for sex.

What REALLY grinds my gears is that this means all those "Brangelina are breaking up" slugs I've seen in the tabloid mags for about a year now were true. They're going to be soooo smug about it.

They did.

Uh yeah, MOST of us, even the millenials, have heard of the REAL Shadow.


If they had, those shows might still be on!

Most premises are.

"Wanking", because I'm an Anglophile.

I believe a few of those are meant for urination.

Nothing but claptrap, you pack of urchins.

I still say it's a corruption of "jackoff", and the original word should be in OED.

Before the nomination, there were very good reasons not to invite Trump— SNL bears significant guilt for this. Let 'em kiss his ass on FOX. But AFTER the nom, a supposedly "neutral" pop show has to at least acknowledge the elephant in the room. Would we be cheering if the Late-Night shows excluded Clinton? Before

Wasn't he found guilty largely due to not showing up for trial? Has he cut and run?

What, the overwhelming sense of entitlement?

I've never understood Mr. Sinister's powers; is he one of those "whatever power the writer wants" kinda guys?

That's the problem with it.

Hey, cool, a Lovecraft article that doesn't mention Racism. Not that he wasn't, but that not the whole and entirety of his writing.