
I'll remember him best as Santa.

Proud to say I haven't eaten a chain pizza in three years, ever since the great local place opened up two blocks away from me.

One ringie-dingie. . . . two ringie-dingies. . .

But parents FORCE clowns on little kids, which is why clowns make such perfect villains!

The rainbow.

I'm picturing the scene from I Love Lucy.

For the Record, current newspaper strips that DON'T suck wet farts out of dead pigs:

O no, Mary Worth is going strong, got a new artist and everything.

You wish. The little bastard was actually still menacing, right until he was co-opted by TV and Dairy Queen.

Comics are increasingly the territory of the Olds, what one strip refers to as "Pluggers". Old people are of delicate constitution, and become disturbed by anything more "hep" than, say, The Lockhorns. Even Zippy the Pinhead seems to fall back on the same four or five reliable topics weakly.

I seem to remember a Zits strip getting pulled because it dared say the word "Sucks", without referring to a vacuum.

Since Civil War was helpfully mentioned, I just have to throw in that there are TWO perfect battle scenes— the wonderful silliness of the airport fight, and the deadly serious Cap-vs-Stark-vs-Bucky at the end of the film. If more WWE fights were on this level, where we actually care who wins and we constantly think,

I ALSO have the cd-rom of National Lampoon, from birth to death. Definitely not as good as vintage MAD. And SPY died too young.

I will never forget my third-grade English teacher, who often rewarded me by letting me read her old MAD magazines from the late 60's (this would be about 1973 or thereabouts. Also her old 60's comics.) Bliss.

Also, notice that another theme in HPL is inbreeding, something his neurasthenic protagonists often seem to suffer from.

I actually agree. Mind you, I preferred Hillz to Sanders simply on the basis of foreign policy— Bernie didn't have one, and we need one.

If racism were all there was to HPL, he would've been forgotten long, long ago. That he continues to inspire horror writers and readers of all races must mean that there is something more there.

If I recall correctly, his book on Lincoln was removed from sale at Gettysburg.

Dammit, I just read Jack Davis died.

And a quick trip Beyond the Valley of the Dolls!