
Maaan, you guys really bury this fucking article, don't you? But I dug it up and I'm going to make a comment, yes indeedy! Just saw Ghostbusterettes, and . . . . I was underwhelmed. Loved the characters, loved the actors— can finally see what's so sexy about Kate McKinnon— but I lost interest in the CGI before the

Obviously, the version from Little Nicky.

Glad they changed the name of Scrotal Recall— kept me from watching at all.

Thrown up into the telephone wires?

No mention of Warren Ellis' INJECTION?

Hey, no mention of SEX CRIMINALS?

More to MY problem, can a lowly cashier ever ask out a customer? Especially this incredibly hot MARRIED customer who I think kinda likes me?

I've always wanted to go in my sleep, preferably while dreaming about the final dance sequence from All That Jazz.

Sometimes ya feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

Better yet— chocolate covered ESPRESSO beans.

I'm thinking peyote M&M's would finally fix the taste problem of that stinking plant.

Waitaminnit, Rick— aren't YOU bald?

Yeah, I always wondered at the reasoning behind that—

I've checked, and no one's done the Jon Lovitz Critic "It STINKS" yet?

Crunchberry Beast > Smedley the Elephant forever!

-Sigh- I miss the old Captain Marvel, before DC screwed up his foundation. Last time I checked, he was Cap, Mary AND Cap Jr in one, then Cap Jr. took over, then I wept and stopped reading. Dammit DC, chain Dan Stoner to a desk and get it RIGHT.

For some reason, I'm bingeing old Bing Crosby songs on iTunes. "Pistol-packin' Mama" "TradeWinds", "Mississippi Mud" — people are like stars, they cool down as they get older.

All I could think of was wist ratch.

Crunchberries or GTFO

COULD have liked Janeway, if only the writing let her play it a bit more bugfuck. Loved the thought that at least part of her temperament was due to sexual frustration, which she let out on the Holodeck.